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Enviado por   •  26 de Abril de 2018  •  803 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  320 Visitas

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enrolled in our elementary and secondary public schools.

• We spend more per student than almost any other major country in the world. Yet, our students perform near the bottom of the pack for major large advanced countries.

• Our students continue to lag behind their peers worldwide in knowledge gained. [American Federation for Children Growth Fund]

• Among 34 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development nations, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) found 27 countries outperformed U.S students in math. [National Center for Education Statistics]

• The same assessment found 17 countries outperformed U.S. students in reading. [National Center for Education Statistics]

• Our largest cities spend some of the largest amounts of money on public schools:

o New York City spends $20,226 per student.

o Baltimore spends $15,287 per student.

o Chicago spends $11,976 per student.

o Los Angeles spends $10,602 per student.

• School choice is vital to reverse inequities in education and failing government schools in Democrat-controlled inner cities. According to the National Assessment of Education Progress, only one in six African-American students in the eighth grade are considered proficient in math and reading. In 2016, over 2 million high school graduates took the ACT:

o 45 percent of all students tested met three or more benchmarks related to college preparedness.

o Only 11 percent of African American students tested met three or more of the benchmarks for college and career readiness. [The Condition of College and Career Readiness, 2016]

o It is time for school choice to help free children from failing government schools and close the achievement gap. School choice is the civil rights issue of our time.


• Hillary opposes school choice, furthering education inequities in America and denying low-income African-American and Latino children the future they deserve.

• Hillary Clinton claims Donald Trump’s school choice proposal would “decimate public schools across America.”

o It is no surprise Mrs. Clinton opposes school choice because she is supported by the staunchest opponents of school choice – The American Federation of Teachers super PAC – which donated $1.6 million to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation and more than $2 million to Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign. [Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2016]


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