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Energia Etiquetado de EnergyGuide

Enviado por   •  8 de Octubre de 2018  •  1.251 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  352 Visitas

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¿Cuándo debo informar a FTC la información anual sobre costos o eficiencia energética?

La Regla tiene dos requisitos de reporte:

1. Informes anuales para todos los modelos

Debe enviar un informe cada año con información para todos los modelos de electrodomésticos en producción. El informe también debe contener datos para los modelos que han sido interrumpidos en el último año.

Fechas de entrega de los informes anuales


Fecha de vencimiento

Ventiladores de techo

marzo 1

Duchas, Griferías, Armarios de Agua, Urinarios

marzo 1

Calentadores de agua (todos los tipos)

Mayo 1

Calentadores de piscina

Mayo 1

Hornos y Calderas

Mayo 1


1 ° de Junio

Aire Acondicionado Central

1 de julio

Aire Acondicionado

1 de julio

Bombas de calor

1 de julio


Agosto 1


Agosto 1


Agosto 1


1 de octubre

2. Informes de nuevos modelos

Antes de distribuir un nuevo modelo - o un modelo sujeto a modificaciones de diseño o modificación que cambien los datos de energía - debe informar al FTC el costo o la eficiencia energética del modelo. Los datos reportados son información pública. Véase 16 CFR § 305.8

¿Cómo puedo informar los datos del aparato a la FTC?

Puede enviar informes requeridos por la Comisión Federal de Comercio a través del Departamento de Sistema de Gestión de Certificación de Cumplimiento de la Energía (MCP) en .

Welcome to the Compliance Certification Management System (CCMS), managed by the DOE Appliance Standards Program.

CCMS is the on-line interface through which manufacturers of covered products and commercial equipment must electronically submit compliance and certification information to DOE. This on-line system permits manufacturers to create, submit and manage certification reports using product or equipment specific templates. All templates include the compliance statement and certification report on an easy-to-use Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. CCMS will automatically record the date and time of your submission and forward it to the appropriate office in the Building Technologies Program.

The Compliance Certification Database houses certification reports and compliance statements submitted by manufacturers for covered products and equipment subject to Federal conservation standards. The database offers consumers an easy-to-use search function for existing records in a readily downloadable format. There is also a consumer-friendly selection tool as well as a search-by-model function. The public certification database houses only certification records of current basic models that have been submitted within the past year. While manufacturers may submit new information daily, the certification database will be updated approximately every two weeks to allow DOE time to actively review all submissions.

The data provided are the representations certified to DOE by manufacturers and their third party representatives. DOE makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of the data. A note for parties that have submitted certification data: The public certification database has no legal significance. When a certification report is submitted in CCMS, the system automatically sends out an email confirmation of the submittal, which is the submitter's proof of having submitted the certification report to the Department. The regulatory requirement is fulfilled upon submission of a certification report that complies with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 429 - not upon posting on this site.


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