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The San Antonio bakery

Enviado por   •  12 de Junio de 2023  •  Ensayo  •  5.371 Palabras (22 Páginas)  •  221 Visitas

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Introduction                                                                                        3

Vision, mission, and strategy                                                                4

Structure of the company’s main processes                                                7

FMEA Model                                                                                        8

Layout analysis                                                                                11

Level of divergence and complexity                                                        13

KANO Model                                                                                        14

QFD Model                                                                                        18

SERVQUAL Survey                                                                                19

Results of the main operational indicators                                                23

Enhancement tools                                                                                25

Conclusions                                                                                        29

Recommendations                                                                                30

References                                                                                        31


The objective of this work is to analyse the San Antonio pastry shop, from the point of view of the service using different tools.

The San Antonio bakery was created in 1959 by two Spanish friends and a group of Peruvian artisans. The bases of to fulfill its objective were the dedication, creativity and gift of service. “Agradecemos la dedicación de nuestros compañeros de faena, al apoyo de nuestros generosos proveedores y la incondicional preferencia y cariño de nuestros fieles clientes. La familia San Antonio La Tradición de Ayer, la Tecnología de Hoy y la Calidad de Siempre” (San Antonio).

San Antonio’s Vision and Mission


Provide quality in each of our products, made with innovative technologies and always striving to maintain the traditional style. Likewise, offering a warm, attentive and personalised experience.


To become a leading brand in the bakery and pastry sector.


“Our commitment is to offer products of the best quality as well as warm and careful attention”. San Antonio is also committed to getting ahead despite everything, mostly it was demonstrated by the brand’s quick adaptation to the pandemic in which they had to close the restaurants and make them markets to keep working. These kinds of strategies are mentioned by Miles and Snow when they talk about how successful companies can manage to adapt systematically to the changes around them. In this case, San Antonio Patisserie is an analytical company that dominates its area and knows how to develop in it; and, how they are able to look for new opportunities. We currently know that they operate with the restaurants, the markets and that they now want to open dark kitchen in order to increase their offer and reach some areas that are very difficult to reach with a normal delivery, seeing other companies being successful with this methodology and knowing how their clients think and what they want they know that this will signify success for them. For this we can conclude that San Antonio knows how to adapt in order to continue being successful and deliver the same quality to their clients.

Are these three strategic components coherent with the evidence of the services the company provides?

The mission, vision and strategy mentioned above are consistent with the evidence of the services provided by the company, since the products provided by the company are of quality and the good care provided by the workers can be perceived from the moment you enter the establishment until you leave.

The patisserie, as its owner mentioned, has as its objective to offer the best to the client and that is what they have done all these years.

In a pandemic, it was possible to observe the creativity that it has to offer its services, for this it was the first pastry shop that opted for reinvention and with this not only the gift of service to the client was reflected, but it was also concerned not to close its stalls and its workers are not left without work.

Structure of the company’s main processes

This process will help us understand and be able to put together a strategy that helps improve the consumer experience and is satisfactory; helping to reach goals.

[pic 1]

Source: Own elaboration

In the process of San Antonio it can be seen that it is well organised, but it may turn out that there may be failures in the entrance to the parking lot due to demand; as well as when waiting for a table for the same reason, better strategies must be designed, such as placing two people to serve or placing a list in order to prevent the process from being broken.

FMEA Nature of the service processes

Process Step or Variable or Key Input

Potential Failure Mode

Potential Effect on Customer Because of Defect


Potential Causes


Current Process Controls



Actions Recommended

Resp.& Target Date

Actions Taken




Future RPN

The customer places the order

The server informs the customer that the dish they want is not available

The client may feel annoyed because they had an idea of what they will eat


There must be a previous organisation in order to stock up


Do a forecast in order to keep record of the quantity of customers they will have in each occasion and what can they order



Stock up regarding the forecast

The Logistics department

By July, 2022





Food delivery by servers to the costumer

The order arrived incorrectly to the table

The client feels annoyed/disrespected because the order arrived incorrect/incomplete


Before delivering food to customer's table, server needs further training to identify their order from kitchen pick up window


Frequent training specially to to new staff



Keep continuous training staff to avoid mistakes in food delivery

Staff in charge of management (including supervisors)

By July, 2022





The customer asks for a dish or drink to take away

The food or drink is not well packaged and falls out of the packaging

the customer gets angry and feels that there is no concern for good customer service


Deliver orders quickly


Have security tools for packaging. Like adhesive tape and elastic bands



set a prudent time for the correct packaging and security

kitchen staff

By July, 2022





Payment process

The customer will pay with card and the POS is not charged

The customer may feel frustrated and impatient


The lack of organisation of the cashier staff


Conduct a POS inspection before and after each shift



Better organisation and supervision by the staff

The cashier staff

By July, 2022





Parking Management

The tire was punctured when entering the parking lot

the customer wants a solution for the tyre and a change


Lack of notice from the valet parking staff


Sweep the floor every day



better supervision by the staff before entering with a car to the parking lot

Valet parking staff

By July, 2022





Source: Own elaboration


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