Enviado por Antonio • 22 de Marzo de 2018 • 764 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 318 Visitas
49.- Menciona y explica los dos mecanismos de los métodos directos de exportación.
50 ¿Qué son los métodos indirectos de exportación?
51.- ¿Cuándo es necesario un departamento de comercio exterior?
52.- Menciona los puntos a tomar en cuenta cuando es necesario un departamento de comercio exterior.
I can understand information about workers’ rights and benefits in different countries.
I can understand general meaning and specific information.
I can follow complex interactions, even on abstract, complex, or unfamiliar topics.
I can express my opinion about workers’ rights and benefits with clarity and precision.
- paid holiday
- pension & retirement
- medical care & health insurance
- maternity / paternity leave
- childcare
- subsidised commuter transport
Go to the next screen and add your paragraph to the Discussion. Find a country which provides different benefits to yours and leave a comment.
[pic 1]Wouldn'twanttochangeathing.
What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Read the opinions below and decide if you agree or disagree with each one. Write a paragraph giving your opinions.
[pic 2]
Can-do statements
I can do this
With difficulty
I can express my opinions and beliefs precisely.
I can sustain an extended monologue.
I can use synonyms to avoid repetition.
I can understand a text contrasting past and present.
- It’s better to use the language than go to formal lessons.
- The best thing is for children to learn some of their school subjects in English from an early age.
- The only way to really perfect a language is to go and live in the country where they speak it.
- Communicating with friends in another language is a great way to practise.
- The internet is the best resource for language students today.
Go to the next screen and add your paragraph to the Discussion. Find someone with a very different opinion to you. Say why you disagree with them.