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Apreciacion de las Artes Unidad 4 y 5.

Enviado por   •  14 de Abril de 2018  •  1.418 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  341 Visitas

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There are always 3 elements : the transmitter , receptor and the middle.

The are a big difference between the sound and a noise , the difference is that a sound has a rule and the noise is just a noise with no a rule.

Every sound is susceptible to convert it in music. The sound has acoustic relations associated with the number and the astrology , it is considerate as a mathematic relation that contains emotional links.

The characteristics of a musical sound is the tone , that is the grave and the acute of the sound forming with the melody and harmonies. The duration is simple , is just how much time maintain the sound and the intensity , that is the force with is produce the sounds.

The appreciation is a process to understand and knowing the reasons that demonstrate the sensation that a sound produce us. The music can be studied in different forms: historically , statically , culturally , psychologically and socially but the most important are three: the historic , physical and psychological.

The appreciation starts with the preparation of explore what we are listening , putting attention to the sounds that is around us , an example of this could be the sound that the birds make , the sound of the traffic of the street , people talking , etc.

Seeing additive and listen visually is stay in the field of the audiovision , augmented the expressive value and informative of all the message in the conjunction of them.

The cultural manifestations that represent the audiovisual are the cinema , video , dance and theatre.


- What do you understand by civilization?

For me , civilization is the set of different groups that are around us , civilization for me is the definition of all of us that are represented by cultural traditions.

- What is a daily activity?

Daily activity is something that we use to do commonly. A daily activity could be the breakfast , lunch and dinner , is something that we do all the days of our lives because we need of this to survive.

- How do you describe the place where you live?

In my case , in Ciudad Victoria I lived in the middle of the highway , among trees and a lot of sounds of the cars and the highway.

- In what sense we are nomads and sedentariness in the city?

In my opinion , we are nomads when we use to do the things that are commonly between us , in a few words , the things that we need to do to survive. And the sedentary is when we do not displace to another places and we just stay in our city.

- What are the basic elements and commonly in the artistic?

The basic elements of the artistic is the topic and subtopic , the abstraction and figuration , symbols and the composition.

- What do you understand with the concept of composition in a common activity?

What I understand in the concept of composition of an activity is like the steps that we used to do in the activity. The steps that we need to do to reach the finish of the activity.

- What do you understand by artistic?

For me , artistic is the definition of what gives the beauty of something in an object , composition or anything that could be appreciated by the eyes and the hearing.

- What is an artistic activity?

An artistic activity is the process that someone gave to the object , instrument , composition etc to make the object a beautiful object , is what represents the object.

- What objects are in the city?

The most popular objects that are around the city could be cars , buildings , houses and obviously people.

- How do you can appreciate the visual stimulations and auditories in your city?

Thanks to the hearing , we could diference between the sound of a car and the people , the most common sound in the city is the traffic , the people , the claxon of the cars , etc.


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