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Internacional Transport of Goods

Enviado por   •  28 de Noviembre de 2017  •  1.273 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  547 Visitas

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The transport contract is negotiated, as in trucking, with the Charter of Railway Porte.


Multimodal Transport

Is the delivery of goods from place of origin to final destination, through various means of transport. The transport is done by a single operator and issuer of a single document.

Among the technical aspects of multimodal transport are the concept of "change of gauge" ( Breaking bulk ) which is the breakdown of all or part of the unitization of cargo (coupling of goods into larger units) into its component elements, to proceed with its storage or its distribution capillary transport receptors merchandise and the concept of "land bridge" ( land bridge ), which combines maritime transport with land transport by road and rail.

Commercial management of multimodal transport is performed by the Multimodal Transport Operators (OTM), which are generally shipping companies, railway operators or specialized transit in the management of this type of transport referred to, and often do not own the means used, but celebrating a multimodal transport contract, taking responsibility for fulfilling the contract.

The transport contract is negotiated with the Multimodal Transport Document (DTM) constituting tangible proof of liability Multimodal Transport Operator (MTO) for the goods to be transported.



1. - Why is it important international means of transport?

They are the means by which goods are moved from one country to another depending on their geographical location.

2.-Which of the five modes of international transport is the most used by companies?

Is the Marine Transport due to the demand which offers the exchange of goods between continents America and Europe.

3.-What it is the most expensive means of transport international money?

The Air Transport because the rate rises according to the weight you are going to send

4.-Which it is the international means of transport that Mexico could not enter the United States?

United States said that the Mexican trailers were in very poor condition to enter their country. Until 2006 was approved that only some of them from entering

5.-That investment is performing current Mexican federal government and the SCT for international means of transport?

So far we have seen more change in truck transport the modernization of some highways more have elapsed in the country



- airliner (ér láiner) - avión de pasajerosairplane (ér pléin) - aviónboat (bóut) - barco, buquecanoe (kanú) - canoa, piraguacar (car) - auto, carro

- cruiser (krúser) - cruseroferry (férri) - transbordadorhelicopter (hélicópter) - helicóptero

- hot air ballon (hót ér balún) - globo aerostáticojet plane (dchét pléin) - avión a reacciónmotorbike (móutorbáik) - motocicleta[pic 1]ocean liner (óushen láiner) - transatlánticoship (ship) - buque, barco

- streetcar (stríit car) - tranvíasubway (sábwuéi) - tren subterráneo

- taxi cab (táxi cáb) - taxitrain (tréin) - trentruck (trák) - camión





International Transport of Goods……………………………………………………1

Marine Transport……………………………………………………………………….1

Air Transport…………………………………………………………………………...2

Truck Transport………………………………………………………………………..3

Railway Transport……………………………………………………………………...3

Multimodal Transport………………………………………………………………….4





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