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This paper analyzes the situation of the archive departments in 14 of the Andalusian local newspapers. The aim is to update a similar study entitled "Situation of archive services in the daily pr...

2. Uso de drones para la documentación 3D del patrimonio arquitectónico integrado en el proyecto Geoparque Las Loras (Burgos-Palencia): el Castillo Medieval de Úrbel.

Implementation of UAV-technology for the 3D documentation of architectural heritage integrated within Las Loras Geopark project (Burgos-Palencia): the Middle Age Úrbel Castle. By: Fernández Lozano, Javier; Gutiérrez Alonso, Gabriel; Argeol, Asociación. Mapping (1131-9100). jul/ago2016, Vol. 25 Issue 178, p52-59. 8p. 6 Color Photographs, 1 Chart. Language: Spanish. , Base de datos: Academic Search Ultimate

The rapid growth of UAV-technology has had a notable development in the study of the historic heritage, due to the improvement of aircraft and sensors technology, lighter and with increased capac...


CULTURAL HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION. METHOD BASED ON THE FUSION OF OPTICAL SCANNING TRIANGULATION AND PHOTOGRAMMETRIC TECHNIQUES. By: Molero Alonso, Borja; Barba, Salvatore; Alvaro Tordesillas, Antonio. Revista de EGA. 2016, Vol. 21 Issue 28, p236-245. 10p. Language: Multiple languages. DOI: 10.4995/ega.2016.6308. , Base de datos: Academic Search Ultimate

The continuing progress over the last years on three-dimensional surveying equipments -software and hardware- has increased the range of possibilities for the recording, documentation and dissemi...

Materias: Three-dimensional modeling (Computer graphics); Cultural property; Optical scanners; Triangulation; Photogrammetry; Sculpture; Texture mapping; Three-dimensional imaging; Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing; Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing; Historical Sites…

4. Organización del conocimiento para la documentación en periodismo: situación y prospectiva.

Knowledge organization for journalism documentation: state of the art and prospective. By: JIMÉNEZ, Antonio GARCÍA. Scire. jul-dic2016, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p21-28. 8p. Language: Spanish. , Base de datos: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

This paper aims to establish the state of the art, on the one hand, about instruments such as thesauri, ontologies and folksonomies and, secondly, procedures and models of formalization for analy...

5. Evaluación de la calidad del Máster en Gestión de la Documentación, Bibliotecas y Archivos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

By: Arias Coello, Alicia; Simón Martín, José; Simón Blas, Clara. Investigación Bibliotecológica. Sep-Dec2016, Vol. 30 Issue 70, p61-82. 22p. Language: Spanish. DOI: 10.1016/j.ibbai.2016.10.004. , Base de datos: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

RESUMEN Este estudio describe la aplicación del análisis de importancia-satisfacción en un programa de máster universitario con la finalidad de conocer, por un lado, su capacidad para identificar…

6. Criterios de evaluación y aplicación de fuentes de información web en centros de documentación periodística.

Criteria for evaluation and implementation of web information sources in news media libraries. By: Orero, Paz; Cebrián-Enrique, Bernardino J. El Profesional de la Información. nov/dic2014, Vol. 23 Issue 6, p612-617. 6p. Language: Spanish. DOI: 10.3145/epi.2014.nov.08. , Base de datos: Business Source Ultimate

The documentary criteria that researchers and professionals think are essential for assessing Internet information sources and for implementing these sources in news libraries are presented. Resu...

Materias: RESEARCH; Web analytics; All Other Information Services; Information resources; Information services; Online journalism; Information professionals.

7. Formalización y documentación de los contratos como límite a la autonomía privada. Un estudio desde los contratos de consumo y la Ley 1480 de 2011 de Colombia.

Formalization and Documentation of Contracts as a Limit of Private Autonomy. A Study from Consumption Contracts and Colombian Law 1480, 2011. By: Plata López, Luis Carlos. Opinión Jurídica. jul-dic2015, Vol. 14 Issue 27, p107-124. 18p. Language: Spanish. , Base de datos: Academic Search Ultimate

The objective of this article is to show how from the effect of Law 1480, 2011, a new limitation to contractual freedom has emerged, referred to formalization and documentation of agreements with...

8. La comunicación entre investigadores en Twitter. Una etnografía virtual en el ámbito de las ciencias de la documentación.

Researchers’ communication on Twitter. A virtual ethnography in the area of information science. By: Álvarez-Bornstein, Belén; Montesi, Michela. Revista Española de Documentación Científica. Oct-Dec2016, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p1-15. 15p. 1 Diagram, 3 Charts. Language: Spanish. DOI: 10.3989/redc.2016.4.1352. , Base de datos: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

The present article analyzes the scientific communication that takes place on Twitter. Its aim is to understand and describe the types of scientific activities that occur on this platform, by ide...

9. Fernando Serrano Larráyoz, Léxico médico y farmacológico en lengua vulgar y latina de la documentación cortesana navarra (siglos XIV-XV) (Arre, Navarra: Pamiela, 2015), pp. 304, 21€, paperback, ISBN: 978-84-7681-910-4.

(English) By: Mandrell J, Medical History [Med Hist], ISSN: 2048-8343, 2016 Oct; Vol. 60 (4), pp. 591-2; Publisher: Cambridge University Press; PMID: 27628879, Base de datos: MEDLINE.

10. Documentación de las prácticas lingüísticas y socioculturales de la Gente de centro, Amazonia noroccidental.

Documentation of linguistic and sociocultural practices of the People of the Center, Northwest Amazon. By: Fagua Rincón, Doris. Mundo Amazónico. 2015, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p129-146. 18p. Language: Spanish. DOI: 10.15446/ma.v6n1.50649. , Base de datos: Academic Search Ultimate

Faced with the danger of extinction of native languages, the project “Documenting languages of the People of the Center", carried through the DoBeS (Dokumentatio Bedrohter Sprachen) program of mp...


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