La Gran Historia del Amor : obra de teatro
Enviado por tolero • 22 de Marzo de 2018 • 2.285 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 581 Visitas
Alegría: Yo podría acompañarlos, iré detrás de ustedes cantando para que no se sientan solos.
Narrador: Así, Alegría y Dolor en brazos de Amor continuaron su camino. Después de caminar juntos por mucho tiempo, se cruzaron con una hermosa casa; Dolor pensó que era la meta de Amor, Alegría sin dudar toco a la puerta y Lealtad les abrió.
Lealtad: buenos días Alegría… ¿qué les trae por este lugar?
Alegría: creíamos que era la meta de Amor; él quiere ser maestro.
Lealtad: Mmmm…No. Están muy lejos aún, si gustan les acompañare, tomare la mano de Amor y llegaremos juntos a su meta.
Narrador: fue así como Lealtad, Dolor, Alegría y Amor siguieron juntos a cumplir el gran sueño. Pero algo inesperado sucedió esta vez; vieron a lo lejos un letrero y debajo una luz; era Victoria, quien lo diría.
Victoria: bienvenidos a la meta… ¿quién es Amor?
Narrador: Dolor, Alegría y Lealtad respondieron señalándole.
Amor: pero como puede ser maestro si aún no he ido a la escuela?
Victoria: No hace falta; todo lo que sabes te lo enseño la vida camino a este lugar y eso es suficiente para que ayudes a los demás y les enseñes, que no importa cuánto tengan que sufrir, al final valdrá la pena.
Narrador: Todos juntos festejaron su gran logro.
Characters: Narrator, Love, Goodness, Doubt, Envy, Joy, Gentleness, Pain, loyalty, victory.
Narrator: I do not know where the feelings or because many represent me with a heart if I actually find myself not originate there.
I know many live happily with me and others suffer for me; I am not guilty of her tears but if your happiness. If one day did not mean to hurt her, it was the result of those feelings that accompany me because of those who reject my love.
Today I will tell you a story that will explain why it is so difficult to love.
One day walking down a long way and with many traps made by hunters, I found kindness and told me.
Goodness: Hello Love ...! What are you doing down this road so dangerous?
Love: I'm looking for my destiny, I want to fulfill my goals and achieve my dreams.
Goodness: goals? What are your goals if you want I can help you?
Love: I want to be a teacher, educate and guide many, that as I fulfill their dreams.
Goodness: Love, if you take the right path always get very good; It is a little long and will take a lot but in the end came.
Narrator: Love thanked him and went on his way always remembering what Goodness said, until a voice on the road said:
Doubt: Hello Love…! a moment to hear what you said Goodness, but wise she is sad and confused by the evil of the world, says that nobody remembers it and why everything is so badly done; is so much sadness at times forgets who he is. So do not believe everything you say.
Narrator: Love walked thoughtfully and recalling the councils of goodness and warning Doubt. He had not walked far when he is on the road to Envy; She always jealous and evil, having heard what was said by Doubt Love, he wanted to truncate his way and said:
Envy: Hello Love ... you know that this road is a shortcut to get you where you want easier.
Love: Really, can you help?
Envy: Clear…! Look ... accounts 5 trees and then crosses to the left.
Love: Thank you Envy, you do not know how much you appreciate it.
Envy: Ok ... I hope you get your much desired place soon.
Narrator: Love continues its path, without malice account the trees and when I get to the last thought:
Love: Goodness told me to always take the right path, but this is a left path, although Doubt told me that Goodness was confused by her great sadness. Anyway, I think that if I cross to the left still I'm still on the right road ...
Narrator: So, Love followed the advice Envy and crossed to the left. Suddenly he found a road full of ups and downs that forced him to jump for hours and was so tired that inadvertently fell into a river.
Love: Help ... help...!
Narrator: Love cried. His exhaustion was so great that he could not swim.
Love: someone help me ... please ...
Narrator: Suddenly, they threw a rope that fell right in your hands. He was Joy passing by. Love took the rope and came to shore.
Love: Thank you for help Joy… Your always as timely and providing the best of you.
Joy: I would gladly again Love...I was going way to a party very close to here when hear your cries and without knowing you were you ran to help you. Come with me to the party and then continue with your travel.
Love: No thanks ... I'm looking for my dreams and that is more important ... see you later ... thanks for saving me.
Narrator: Love continues its very scared and cold way, with only one thing on his mind: "reach the goal". After walking a long time, it crashes gently.
Gentleness: Hello Love ... you do down this path so wet and unkempt? You must be hungry follows my home and get some rest.
Narrator: Love knew I needed a rest and so he did.
Gentleness: Tell me where are you going?
Love: I way to my goal… want to be a teacher and ensure that many satisfying your dreams.
Gentleness: I'm glad you think so, I hope you can soon meet your goal.
Narrator: Love left Gentile's house and continued