Tutoriales de cosas recicladas.
Enviado por Christopher • 8 de Febrero de 2018 • 940 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 314 Visitas
Good evening teacher, I will teach make an ornamentsi queieres if you want to learn to do this motif do not miss this video, with the following materials:
A blown bulb
A knife
A flannel
Fomix color it
A lid
A pencil
liquid silicone
Battens and buttons
Well let's start taking the focus, Note that the focus has three cells, you'll take the focus with flannel and the'll proceed to the third cell cutting knife.
As you continue cutting the cell, you have to go turning the focus, reminds go right and as you can tell the cell can be removed very simple,
then after this we look at the focus a filament or a tube, retakes the focus with flannel knife and proceed to make the filament being careful not to break the focus,
with the knife we get all the filaments inside the bulb until it is completely clean, the nozzle must be completely clean,
Now we take the FOMIX and top with the help of two circles pencil tracing after we cut it, FOMIX have two circles the size of the cap then leave that aside take the flannel and spread it in your work area, then we will take the screw cap or tab then we appose the above focus.
We started putting the most dense in this case would be the glycerin will fill about a quarter of focus, and water takes approximately half full It looks a little viscous then is your opportunity to introduce things
you want to put in this case using stars, butterflies, flowers, sequins and glitter
to finish we will completely fill the bulb with wáter
now you look ropes circles that we will use now Note that the focus has a brown crust that I'm pointing with pencil then we will take the silicone
and we will put a lot in that part takes one of the circles and there pégalo sure it is fully align it and that there be no escape retakes pole silicone and again to FOMIX takes the other figure and paste it over and sealed ready and we focus or not going to turn we will wait for this to dry while we wait for it to dry we can use to decorate our tab in this case I have used a ribbon and a butterfly this is how it gives our record decorated one you see that has dried silicone FOMIX we catch silicone and focus we will
put too much silicone on the ad in both the bottom and side we take the focus and stick to the asegúndanos tab that is straight because if it is crooked focus it tends to fall and if this right it's just