La cenicienta.
Enviado por tolero • 30 de Diciembre de 2017 • 2.002 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 631 Visitas
Príncipe:- ¡Si eres tú! – La abraza, la suelta y toma sus manos- ¿quieres ser mi esposa?
Cenicienta:- ¡¡Acepto!!
-se cierra telón-
Y Cenicienta y el príncipe Enrique vivieron felices por siempre.
Narrador: Cinderella was very young when he lost his mother; over the years, his father met a woman and decided to marry again. Cinderella would have a stepmother, with whom live now, besides her two stepsisters. Cohabitation is not to be very good, but it got worse with the death of the father of Cinderella. And so great pity that meant for her daughter, leaving her alone and orphaned, having to endure the scorn by envy her stepmother and stepsisters had him; for they were a little evil, the opposite of Cinderella, a decent girl admiring, generous and honest that the neighborhood knew how to appreciate, full of goodness and beauty, and that was his charm, genuine sweetness. And yet, poor Cinderella remained gentle with them, after the things that forced her to do, which was not enough, as it was responsible for all household chores and was at his service, but the worst was practically they treated her like a slave.
In spring, the king summoned a big dance with the idea of finding a wife for his son Prince. The stepmother and her daughters to learn, anxious, did not wait a second and began preparations without Cinderella.
Madrastra: is-girls better get ready because it will be a dance in the kingdom to find who will be the wife of Prince.
Hermanastra (1): - No I can not believe!
Hermanastra (2): - Obviously the prince will choose me or get excited.
Hermanastra (1): - Hey! (The hits)
~Las hermanastras empiezan a pelear.~
Madrastra: -¡¡¡ conduct yourselves Girls !!! Of course the prince will choose one of you will not worry I'll take care of that.
Narrador: Cinderella heard the same day of the dance, and came up dust off the old dress of her mother, the arrangement and it was so nice, that I see her stepsisters, full of jealousy and rage they destroyed.
Hermanastra (1): But that dress so ugly
Hermanastra (2) :- Do you think going to the dance?
Cinderella: - Yes, I really like to go and dance with the prince !!
-entra la madrastra-
Madrastra: -¡Jajajaja! But that girl as naive as you think someone like you could go to a ball high society.
Cinderella: - I do not see what the problem
Madrastra: - You Cinderella, do not go. You'll stay at home mopping the floor and preparing dinner for when we return. Girls think Cinderella dress needs to be fixed.
-las hermanastras toman el vestido de cenicienta y lo destrozan. Cenicienta sale llorando-
Narrador: Cinderella disconsolate began to mourn and tears did come to the fairy godmother, with a touch of his magic wand transformed her into a princess and he left his chariot, dancing, along with the host.
-Cenicienta llorando en el suelo-
Hada madrina: - But why are you crying my child?
Cinderella: - I was very excited to go to the dance and see the prince (Llora).
Hada madrina: -¡No worry, I'm your fairy godmother and I'll help!
Cinderella: But how? They have destroyed my dress and I have only rags.
Hada Madrina: That will be no problem for my magic come join me, –le tiende la mano-, I'll give you a beautiful dress worthy of a princess like you.
-cenicienta ya de pie-
Hada Madrina: - But one thing I must warn you, when midnight strikes all the magic will disappear and your return has to be the same as before.
-se cierra el telón-
Narrador: The arrival of Cinderella Palace made a deep admiration. Upon entering the ballroom, the prince was so captivated by her beauty who danced with her all night.
-entra cenicienta a escena, el príncipe está hablando con las hermanastras ve a cenicienta y va hacia ella-
Hermanastra (1): - But who is that?
Hermanastra (2): - I do not know
Prince: Hi, I was wondering what is your name?
Cinderella: - My name is Cinderella. Pleasure.
Prince: - Would you like to dance with me?
Cinderella: Enchanted
-bailan, las campanas empiezan a sonar.
Cinderella: - There are already twelve, I have to go!
Prince: - Do not go, wait, stay a little more
Cinderella: I'm sorry not have to go running -Sale and his escape lose a glass slipper, the prince runs after her but not enough.
-Se cierra el telón-
-Se abre telón. Príncipe sentado en una silla pensando-
-entra el consejero del rey-
Consejero: 'What your majesty think?
Prince: - In ashen, this young beautiful that stole my heart and leave me alone He raises this shoe glass-
Consejero: What will you do to find it?
Prince: (se levanta y dice) -¡I'll come looking for her all over the kingdom and marry me this wing that fits the glass slipper!
-se cierra telón, aparece escenario de la casa de Cenicienta.
Cenicienta tallando los pisos -