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Enviado por   •  17 de Octubre de 2017  •  1.354 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  1.445 Visitas

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Venezuela is a country that is going through the worst crisis in leading the last years due to different economic aspects as internal aspects of the Government, according to international news for the second consecutive year Venezuela occupied the position 157 of 157 countries that make up the annual report on economic freedom in the 2015 world.

The average economic freedom is 6.86 / 10, Venezuela Latin Americans who obtained a higher note gained an average of 3.23 that is super low compared to other countries.

2015 according to a report by the economic freedom countries which are better placed in the region are: Canada is the best located, Chile ranks 9, 11 United States as and among others.

Also in the latest news is about Leopoldo López which has been sentenced to 13 years and 9 months for inciting violence in an opposition protest that left a toll of 43 dead last year. His trial was controversial in some countries like Chile, Peru and Costa Rica have expressed criticism but other countries such as: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, etc. which have not given opinions for fear of making criticized.

Venezuela is a country that is going through the worst crisis in which leads the last few years due to different aspects both economic and internal aspects of the government, according to international news for the second consecutive year Venezuela was ranked 157 of the 157 countries that make up the Annual Report of Economic Freedom in the world by 2015. The average economic freedom is of 6.86 / 10, Venezuela obtained an average of 3.23 which is super low compared with other Latin American countries that scored highest. In 2015 according to a report by the economic freedom the countries that are best located in the region are: Canada is the best located Chile occupies the 9 position, in the post 11 United States and among others. Also in the latest news is about Leopoldo Lopez has been sentenced to 13 years and 9 months by instigating the violence in a protest opposition that left a balance of 43 killed last year. His trial was controversial some countries such as Chile, Peru and Costa Rica have expressed criticism but other countries such as: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, etc. , which have not given views for fear to criticized.

Venezuela is a country that is happening for the worst crises in what it takes last years due to different aspects so much economic like internal aspects of the government, according to international news in the second consecutive year Venezuela filled the vacancy 157 of 157 countries that integrate the Annual report of Libertad Económica in the World 2015. The average of economic freedom is of 6.86/10, Venezuela obtained an average of 3.23 that is super under compared with other countries Latin Americanos that they obtained a higher note. In 2015 according to a report of the economic freedom the countries that are better placed of the region are: Canada is the best situated one, Chile occupies the position 9, in the position 11 United States and between others. Also in the last news it is on Leopoldo López who has been sentenced to 13 years and 9 months for there incited to the violence in a protest opponent who left a balance of 43 dead persons last year. Its judgment was polemic some countries like Chile, Peru and Costa Rica have shown criticism but other countries as: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, etc. which have not given opinions for fear to do criticized.


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