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International politics essay about Siria.

Enviado por   •  17 de Julio de 2018  •  2.012 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  468 Visitas

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This situation caused different medical conditions in those people who left Syria, especially in those who lived traumatic experiences. According to Doctors without Borders website (2012) “The vast majority of refugees have experienced traumatic events, and many are suffering psychological distress, MSF psychologists and psychiatrists carried out almost 800 consultations from April to June.” This represents how unstable is the situation for refugees, both physical and psychological condition.

In terms of jobs for refugees, several of them in Jordan have access to legal employment in order to become self-sufficient. In Jordan, most of the refugees live in the limit of poverty, UNHCR (2016) clarify this situation explaining that Syrian people that live in Jordan live only with US$87 per capita per month.

In the other hand, some countries such Canada are implementing new policies for refugees. This country have plans to offer refugees employment, but standards that are require to apply jobs are not necessarily for all of them. Canada has restrictions about employments; it is require having previous experience, adequate skills, or higher education. This situation, in spite of welcoming, has been generated on refugees a sort of insecurity about the help that the country is offering to them. They need to wait for a period of time instead of have a decent job and generates money to sustain for themselves.

Another perspective is that Syrian refugees do not have the time to wait for answers; they need jobs immediately to sustain their families. The government require a lot of paperwork such as passports, visas, and documentation in general, but refugees came from chaos, it is almost impossible that while they were running for their lives remembered the wallet with an ID. For these reasons, refugees just want a job, it doesn’t matter that kind of job it is: they need to earn money immediately.

Recently, some organizations have been noticed this problem, and some news have been emerged about this issue. UNCHR (2016) published in the website that authorities remove this kind of requirement for Syrian refugees giving to them the chance to apply to legal jobs without passport or any documentation to prove their origin, but only Jordan did it. It is well known that people, who escape from the war, do not think in what paper they should take with them, they just think in their family´s safe, that´s why most of the refugees do not have the opportunity to prove their origin and have access to any kind of help when they cross the limits to another country.

The situation that refugees lived is still heartbreaking, provoking around the world empathy with their predicament without considering racial speculations that countries have been made respecting Middle Eastern people.

For those who are far from that reality it is hard to understand what it feels like not having a home. For those who have witnessed starvation and diseases. This is not an issue that involved one country; it has been a problem that goes through over the world, beyond boundaries, beyond minds.

Throughout the present investigation it has been noticed several actions that helped war refugees, but it is still being insufficient. Syrian people need assistance, economic stability and medical treatments. However, fear and insecurity affect directly the thoughts of the citizens, even though they are committed to help refugees seeing beyond the burkas (the black veil that Middle Eastern woman wear). Stereotype determines what people are thinking about it, and that unfortunately damage the image of most of the innocents that do not have where to go.

International organizations such as Oxfam International, Danish refugee council, Handicap International, and World Vision have been working on these points previously mentioned, but it is no enough yet, these organizations are achieving the limit of its resources, that is why is necessary to incentivize other countries to contribute. This war has caused damage around it. Catastrophe takes numerous lives, but these humanitarian organizations are trying to join families appealing to the conscious of people to collaborate with them. It is not recognizable how many refugees are, because several of them are unregistered demonstrating an important humanitarian emergency.

Worldwide, many countries have acknowledgment about this precarious situation, but in spite of knowing the reality through social media, they cannot directly understand how it is being in the middle of this conflict. Taking all the above into account, Latin Americans are aware about what is happening in Middle Eastern, in spite of being far away from war. As an example of it, Chile, according to a report from La Tercera (2016), will only receive 120 Syrian refugees of thousands of them that are still being inside Syria, living in inhuman conditions at the limit of poverty, with no resources, and still being in danger caused of war.

These facts demonstrate that organizations should incentivize other countries to receive refugees as a humanitarian act, because every person should have the opportunity to build a new life in another country. As it says Universal Declaration of Human Rights “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”


Mercy Corps, 2016, Quick Facts: What you need to know about the Syrian crisis, viewed on 15 June, 2016.>

CNN Website, 2015, more than half the nation’s governors say Syrian refugees not welcome, viewed on 15 June, 2016.>

UNHCR Website, 2016, la protección internacional de los refugiados – estándares seleccionados, viewed on 15 June, 2016->

Amnesty International, 2016, Turkey: Illegal mass return of Syrian refugees expose fatal flaws in EU-Turkey deal, viewed on 15 June, 2016.>



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