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Enviado por   •  28 de Noviembre de 2018  •  2.649 Palabras (11 Páginas)  •  394 Visitas

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I 3. THE LAW IN MEXICO. ROMAN TRADITION AND COMMON LAW As we shall later see, two historical elements that were described constitute the basis of the notion of current of the jurisprudence in the policy context existing in Mexico, therefore, takes up the Latin right and legal systems emanating from it, the need for tools that will help the judge to resolve a process before it appears (presetting of evidence) in regard to the principles of written law While, on the other hand, returns of Anglo-American law and the common law, the force cuasinormativa of the judicial precedent as a material source of law, as well as his sense of predicting judicial behavior from the failed in past cases. There are authors who, in the development of his works, focus the history of jurisprudence, exclusively in the Roman tradition, and others like Miguel Acosta Romero and Alfonso Pérez Fonseca claiming otherwise, jurisprudence, such as our law has picked it up, coming from England and of the United States of North America.

In this paper not estimated that the origins are purely Latin or Anglo-American tradition, but rather a combination of both in the described terms: preconception of the law prior to the dispute to be solved and the tradition of written law (Roman law), on one side, and the effectiveness of judicial precedents as the source of a substantive law (Anglo-American law) , on the other.


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Cappelleti, M. (1978). ll Cpntrollo Giudiziario di Constituzionalita delle Lleggi nel Diritto comparato (semptima ed.),pp. 41-48

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Pound, R. (1921). The Spirit of Common Law . (J. P. Brutau, Trad.) Barcelona: Bosch .

Orozco, G. G. (2000). Fallos Historicos de la Suprema Corte de Estados Unidos de America . (S. C. Nacion, Ed.),p.235

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