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El Porque los colombianos somos pobres

Enviado por   •  28 de Noviembre de 2018  •  628 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  446 Visitas

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In countries of Europe, the people also are disciplined, they is proactive and productive, the labor hours are dedicated only to work, this way its freetime is not mixed with its working time, an example is Swiss where the personswork to be the best as for quality on aglobal scale, they are world leaders intextile machinery, electrical stairs, elevators, etc. It possesses also the biggest producing company of food Nestlé, it is the pharmaceutical center of the world and also its banks are the main ones in the world banking.

Colombia in spite of its wealth, has limited technology and the biggest company fills the vacancy 179 and the biggest bank 707, it is a rich country incommodities, this way it sells raw material and for not adding value to theproducts it is not in the world commercialization. In addition to thatthe Colombians have the mentality of which everything is obtained easily and without effort, this due to persons who have made believe to the persons this mentality by means of the drug trafficking. For this reason so manycorruption exists, one does not work patiently and I struggle.

In countries as Japan and Switzerlandthey need high education levels from themselves, form the children with demand and discipline and theeducation is a demand for all, over thisthe state is in charge of looking because they all have the same rights. In Colombia the education is deficient, and the society has poor person mentality and complains about everything, nothing serves to him. There exist thepeople who generates sorrow to obtainmoney and a business is generated, they allow to be bought by minimal thing sand that's why it always gains thecorruption. The main problems ofColombia is in that the persons have poor person mentality, only interest exists in the personal asset, there is noconfidence in the others and that happens over the others to obtain its patrimony and the wealth it is concentrated on a persons' minority. This will change when the poor person mentality is eliminated, one learns to make use of the wealth that is had and there is improved the education that one gives him to the persons; the poverty is only a mentality, it is necessary to remember that one lives ina gold-mine and that it is necessary to value what is had.


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