Enviado por poland6525 • 6 de Abril de 2018 • 867 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 550 Visitas
It also says the science that all originated in a Big Bang. We will try to explain it. The Big Bang was an explosion formidable, extraordinary, that is reached to hear in Somalia, Siberia and others places that even had been founded still. Was something sudden, the space interstellar was completely empty, or, by the contrary, full of chaotic elements and suddenly, PUM! no one knew what had happened, because there was no one. I explain? Is as if a person travels in a balloon hot air, hears an explosion and their last words, while is precipitated to land, are: "of where will come that noise?".
what caused the tremendous explosion?, is the question that science is done and we all wonder. The version more acceptable is that is treated of a shock of planets much more big that our unhappy globe terraqueo: planetotes, planetazos, planeterrimos... One of these monsters is directed to a place of the universe and the other, He was crossed. It is unacceptable that, being the place of the infinite universe, the two idiots end up crashing, and they did exactly where it was reserved space for our arrival. And, again, even more unusual was that collide trying to be of bodies celestial Titanic, gigantic. Here not fit that of "i´m sorry, not it saw coming", "in that time rang the phone mobile", "that shame, was distracted" or "Mr agent, note that there was few light".
Nor has it been established which of the two had the way, Via Lactea? Or milky way?- and what you corresponds indemnify the universe by the dire consequences that left the shock. The case is that is produced the mishap and, as well as jumps scrap of an shock of cars, jumped a ball despicable of water salt and rock hard that, past million of years, is converted in this fucking world.
Now well, it asks the reader. Where did the two hyper planets desmadrado e irresponsible to which should be blamed of the Big Bang? That is material for another book. But the tangle tends to confirm that, at that time it was a real chaos.