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Enviado por   •  18 de Abril de 2018  •  1.399 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  404 Visitas

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Susana : What do i need to know to make businesses with Mexicans?

Martha: well, Manners are a really important value for them and it’s necessary to be very polite to get closer and gain their trust.

Susana : Do i have to be their friend ?

Martha : Not necessarily. But you need to know that for them is important how you address them. For example, use honorifics such as graduate or doctor to identify their educational grade.

Susana : So, it’s incorrect to refer to them using “Sr.”

And how do i salute them? With a Kiss in the cheek or just a handshake?

Martha: In Mexico you salute with a handshake and then introduce yourself.

The first meeting you’ll have with them are very important to form a good working environment.

Susana : Do i need to go straight to the point or first an informal chat?

Martha : That’s a good point, they a very friendly and enjoy to talk about personal topics or you can ask something about Mexico. For example, which places do they recommend to visit?

Susana : I’ve Heard that they usually offer lunch

Martha: That happened to me in my last trip. Normally they are used to invite the people they are making business with to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. That makes them feel more connected.

Keep in mind that the lunch may last more than 2 hours.

My meeting lasted for 4 hours and we were able to talk about the business we were about to make.

Susana : Seems really easy to make business with them, you just need a good proposal.

Martha : Yes, my negotiation with Europeans was longer though.

Susana : Why?

Martha : Europeans are more serious, they don’t like to make quick decisions.

Susana : When I went to the US, for the Americans the most important thing is punctuality. For them time is money.

Americans go straight to the point, less chat.

Martha: I Heard that in Japan is different.

Japanese are very respectful and have different manners, in Japan team work is very important which makes negotiations an everyday matter. They are used to make decisions in group.

Susana : You’ve helped me a lot with the information, thank you.

Martha : Good luck on your trip.

[pic 10]


Study in palm Ricardo industrial engineering college, he always had the dream of forming a textile company .When finished the college had to take a loan from their parents to come to fulfill his dream.

It started with only 6 machines in 2007, he began in a small workshop.

Today, thanks to its achievements has more than 12 tissue machines have allowed him to grow as a company.[pic 11]

In 2012 with sales experience acquired fabric sewing machines offering its customers cutting, sewing and finishing the garment export quality for its customers

One of the achievements I had is that the company currently has its own private label line SG Underwear (underwear for ladies and gentlemen) and TSG (casual).

The company vision is to be recognized by leading apparel brands worldwide textile and garment export and be the leader in providing integrated solutions that include garments premium and premium service at a competitive price company.

Not only is it going well in business but also in the family, his wife is pregnant is very important for them because they say that the family is the foundation of happiness.

[pic 12]


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