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Guia estudios primer parcial administración.

Enviado por   •  1 de Julio de 2018  •  1.813 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  509 Visitas

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Enterprise.- A social group in which through the capital and work administration are produced goods and/ or services aimed at community satisfaction necessities.


- Industrial: The principal activity of this kind of enterprise is the production of goods through row material transformation and/ or extraction. Industries can be classified in:

- Oil industry: when they are working on natural resources exploitation, they could be renewable or nonrenewable, understanding by natural resources everything from nature which is indispensable for man’s subsistence. Some examples of this kind of enterprises are: fishing enterprises, timber industry, mining industry, oil industry, etcetera.

- Manufacturing industry: These are enterprises which transform raw material into finished products.

- Commercial: Intermediaries between producer and consumer; its fundamental function is buying and selling of finished products which can be classified in:

- Wholesale: when they make big sales to others enterprises.

- Retailer: they sale retail or in small quantities to the consumer.

- Commission agents : They sale goods and producers give them an allocation, so it is their profits or commission.

- Service: they provide a service to the community and they can cannot have a lucrative purpose. Service enterprises can be classified in:

- Transport.

- Tourism.

- Financial institutions.

- Several public services: Communication, Energy, Water.

- Several private services: Assessment, various accounting services, legal, administrative, advertising and sales, Publicity agencies.

- Education.

- Health care (hospitals).

- Finances, insurance.


- Public: In this kind of enterprises the capital belongs to the State, and generally its purpose is to satisfy the necessities of social nature.

- Private: They are private when the capital belongs to private investors and its purpose is lucrative eminently.


- Financial: The enterprise size is determined by the amount of its capital.

- Hired Personnel: This criterion establishes that a small company is the one with less than 250 workers; a medium company is the one with 250 and 1000 workers; and a large company is the one with more than 1000 workers.

- Production: This criterion classifies the company according to the degree of mechanization that is in the process of production. So, A small company is the one where man’s work is decisive, it means its production is mechanized. A medium company can ne mechanized but, it has more equipment and less workforce. Finally, a great company is highly equipped and / or systematized.

- Sales: It establishes the company size related to the marketing it supplies and the amount of sales. So, a company is small when its ales are local, medium when its sales are national and large when it covers international markets.



They are inclining to achieve financial benefits:

- Accomplish the investors’ interests paying with fair dividends about the investment.

- Cover the creditor payments acquiring an interest by the obtaining loans.

- Social.

Those which contribute to the community welfare:

- Satisfy the consumers’ necessities with assets or quality services in the best sales conditions.

- Increase the socio-economical welfare of a region when raw material and services are being consumed and when source of jobs are created.

- Contribute to the public services maintenance through the tax burden payment.

- Keep and improve the region ecology, avoiding environmental pollution.

- Produce products and goods which are not harmful to the community welfare.


They are directed to the optimization of technology:

- Apply the most recent knowledge and the most modern technological applications in various areas of the company in order to contribute to the objectives achievement.


Production: It is considered one of the most important departments, since it formulates and develops the most suitable methods for the elaboration of products when it provides and coordinates: workforce, equipment, facilities, material and tools required.

Marketing: Its purpose is get together the factors and facts that influence in the market in order to create what consumer wants, wishes and needs, so, it is distributed and will be at the disposal in the right moment, place and with the most appropriate price.

Corporate Finance: This area is in charge of funds obtaining and the capital supply which is used in the company’s functioning making sure to have the economical means required for every department. Its purpose is to make everything working well.

Human resources administration: Its purpose is to get and keep a teamwork whose characteristics are according to the company objectives through appropriate training , selection and development programs.


Material Resources.- They are tangible goods, property of the company:

- Buildings, land, facilities, equipment, instruments, tools, etc.

- Raw material, auxiliary material which are part of the product, products in process, finished products, etc.

Technical Resources.- They are those which are tools or instruments


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