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The main objective of the work is to be able to learn to start a fluent conversation of work, this work allows to know concepts for our professional life.

Enviado por   •  13 de Julio de 2018  •  1.775 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  730 Visitas

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She is also the right person to treat your child since the pedagogy she handles is through art and play, she is a specialist in play room and other titles in front of the development of children.

I am pleased to help you in this new path of your life, any concern you communicate with affection.

Stage 3

Heiner Andres Agudelo: Compilador

Daniela Garcia: Revisor

Juan David Duque: Evaluador

Edier jovany Bedoya: Utilero

Lina Maria Morales : lider

Stage 4

Dear Mr. Johnson, today, I would like you to take the time to review our recommendation about us, our work team could be very useful in your company because it is composed by Heiner Andres Agudelo Echavarria that his work experience has Been in the field of documentary, has been in two companies leading the file management of the organization, Juan David Duque Martinez that his work experience, mainly work 4 years as administrative assistant in 2 companies in the east of Antioquia, half a year in The Mayor of Marinilla Antioquia, Daniela Garcia Serna her work experience has been 6 years of work as administrative assistant and secretary in the hospital of San Juan de Dios in Marinilla, and Lina Maria Morales, who has been a very responsible and dedicated person to the Work, because from the age of 17 began to work and is now a person working in a bank in the city of Medellin.

You can have this wonderful group of professionals if you wish, you just have to accept the recommendation I am giving you Mr. Johnson

Sincerely, Juan David Duque

Dear Mr. Thompson, we want to present ourselves as a team with high skills to form a management group according to the demands of your bank, a team of experts able to develop work in a group or individually, Mr. Heiner Andres Agudelo Echavarria, Is a young man of 27 years who is an expert in economics has a long experience in banking topics, we also have Mr. Juan David Duque Martinez, all his work experience has been dedicated to the study of finance, Ms. Daniela Garcia Serna she can highlight her work in the area of ​​personnel management and finally Miss Lina Maria Morales Muñoz, she is an expert in the area of ​​public attention and marketing.

As you can see Mr. Thompson, our team can be very useful in your bank, because we are a group of experts and professionals in different areas of work that could be very useful.


Daniela Garcia Serna.

Dear Mr. Shon Pei

We would like to present ourselves as the team you might need for your Export company; People who are fully qualified and have a hard work record; Mr. Juan David Duque Martinez, bussines administrator, he is a very hardworking person, he can to learn very quickly; your professional experience it is 4 years as administrative assistant in 2 companies in the east of Antioquia; Heiner Andres Agudelo Echavarria, Documentary management analyst whith a work experience in the documentary field, he has been in two companies leading the organization files management, he learn very easy and he has experience six years; Ms. Lina Maria Morales is now a person working in a bank in the city of Medellin and he has ten experience years in the commercial area; And Finyally, mi name is Edier Jovany Bedoya, A person dedicated to his work, with exceptional values, with a 10 year experience in the commercial sector, qualified business administrator for any position assigned to me.

With this group of professionals you will undoubtedly achieve the results you are looking for your company.

Regards, Edier Jovany Bedoya

Stage 4

Juan: Heiner you're the driver, what's going on with the engine?

Daniela: Yes! It's terrible, the smoke is getting into the car

Heiner: Yo creo que se está sobrecalentando el motor, desde hace unos días atrás me ha estado fallando el carro.

Lina: Guys, what's important here is how we are going to get to the working meeting with the HR manager of the company, we have to solve this situation quickly!

Edier: Juan espera! Eso es peligroso, tienes que esperar que el carro se ponga frio, porque la presión del radiador al abrirlo puede lastimarte o quemarte la piel.

Juan: I'm just know a little, but for safety we should all get out of the car, Heiner, you have to open the front cover of the car so we can check it out because there's so much smoke.

Heiner: Claro que sí, dame solo un momento.

Daniela: We should call the director of human resources of the company, to wait for us a moment.

Lina: Yes, we have to explain our situation, so that you have a little patience, while we solve the engine problem.

Juan: Look here's the problem, the engine is overheating because you need to put water in the radiator, we just have to open the radiator and put water on it so we can go our way, I'll do it.

Edier: Juan espera! Eso es peligroso, tienes que esperar que el carro se ponga frio, porque la presión del radiador al abrirlo puede lastimarte o quemarte la piel.

Daniela: Perfect, the car start again, we can continue with our trip, because it is already late.

Lina: How sad to hear that, but be careful guys, so we do not have any accidents and we can deliver our presentation safely.

Heiner: Es cierto pero yo creo que en 10 minutos podemos ponerle el agua y continuar nuestro viaje

Edier: Chicos, yo creo que ya podemos ponerle agua al radiador y continuar nuestro camino, juan, por favor destápalo y Heiner ponle el agua.

Heiner: Juan, por favor vuelve a cerrar el radiador y la tapa del carro para intentar prender de nuevo el carro.

Juan: Okay, I'll do it very carefully



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