FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: Financial analysis is the study made of the accounting information, using indicators and financial reasons. It applies to establish the modalities under which money flows move, and explain the problems and circumstances that influence
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or international standards in the development of accounting activity and represent an accounting manual way is acceptable in the world. Example: Consistent application of latest version of.
SPECIFIC TECHNICAL STANDARDS: refers to each set of accounts: assets, liabilities and equity, financial statement for the balance sheet accounts; also accounts for the income statement accounts Order, discontinued operations and companies in liquidation. Example: Measuring the historical value and set the unit of measurement
GENERAL TECHNICAL STANDARDS: they are rules governing the accounting cycle by recognizing economic events. Example: refers to the way you enter information, processing of data and outputs them. They are principles, concepts and limitations and circumscribe underlying accounting information, in order that they enjoy the qualities indicated .
OPPORTUNITY: The accounting information should not be offered before or after those who make economic decisions. The time must be precise since some data presented late to become useless for the application to which they are targeted
PCGA: are a set of general rules that serve as a guide to formulate accounting criteria relating to the measurement of assets and information heritage and economic elements of an entity. PCGA are parameters for the preparation of financial statements is based on uniform methods of accounting technique.
PAPIRO: The material instrument commonly used by the Egyptians for writing memos accounting rate, by their repetitive nature, came to form a kind of hieratic script that has been very difficult to decipher for studies.
CURRENT LIABILITIES: They are represented by all the obligations that the economic entity has with third parties to be covered in less than one year term. Example: You can get providers to sell goods on credit to 30 or even 90 days without charge funding, so care must be taken such concessions.
EQUITY: Equity is the value of total liquid assets of a person or a company. Accounting is the difference between the assets of a person, whether natural or legal, and liabilities to third parties. Equal to the net worth of the Company. Example: Equity = Property + Rights – Obligations
LENDERS: They are interested in the accounting information to determine whether their loans , and interest associated with them , will be paid at maturity.
GENERAL PUBLIC: The accounting information helps the public by providing reports on recent developments and trends in the prosperity of the company as well as the range of their activities.
QUIPUS: was used as an accounting system by quipucamayoc (khipukamayuq), administrators of the Inca Empire. Example: The number 107 followed by the number 51 would be represented by 1s, X, 7L , 5s , E.
PROFITABILITY: In the world of finance is known as the dividends received on an investment in a business or company capital. Profitability can be represented in a relative (percentage) or absolute (in values). Example: Return on assets = (Net income / Assets) * 100
RESULTS: the economic - equity result; is the change in equity of an entity, produced in a given period as a result of its operations budget and non-budgetary nature. This result is determined by considering the difference between income and expenses incurred in the reference period
SOLVENCY: it is an indicator that is practiced on the financial statements; it is a relationship between the total assets of an entity (natural or legal person) and total liabilities. This relationship is a ratio that indicates how many resources are active compared to passive. Example:
Total assets = $ 15.000
Total liabilities = $ 10.000
Total Assets / Total Liabilities = 1.5
The relationship is interpreted as follows: for every peso liabilities, the entity has a weight and fifty cents of assets to meet
VERIFIABILITY: refers to the ability of any person to confirm the numbers reported in the transaction. The counter has to ensure that everyone can review the operation and reach the same conclusion.