Enviado por tolero • 31 de Enero de 2018 • 878 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 297 Visitas
Venezuela has been a world power in all aspects; so so it has been a model in Latin America and other neighboring countries which are going to copy this economic prescription; in fact, it is evident in all latitudes of the national territory from the Andes to the plains region, as well as from the east to the west. Since then there is a marked oil boom in all sectors worsened producers in our region and brought a boom in all social actors in all public sectors.
In the context of the above observations, a link of all the virtues and riches of which have been appropriate for Apure state it is located southwest of the Republic and extends along the Colombian border is. In the region of the Western Plains. It bordered on the north with Barinas and Guarico state, serving as a dividing line during the Apure River; in the west with Tachira and the Republic of Colombia State; on the south by the Republic of Colombia, and on the east by the Bolivar State, serving the Orinoco River watershed.
Capital: San Fernando de Apure. The city of San Fernando has an intense commercial activity, as it is the financial center of Apure state, which is very rich in livestock and agriculture. It has a major airport and a good river access by the Apure River. Other major cities are: Guasdualito, Bruzual, Elorza, Achaguas, Biruaca and San Juan de Payara. The population is very young and predominantly male. It represents 1.6%. of the national population and is the sixth least populous state of Venezuela. The most populated areas are: The metropolitan area of San Fernando, representing 32% of the population and the Paez and Achaguas municipalities representing 37% of the population.
The population appears as resaltante feature the phenomenon of concentration in the axis San Fernando-Achaguas, because the best environmental conditions of the area, the proximity of the Apure River, which is an important channel of communication, land with better agricultural potential about south of the state. Among other population issues it is also important to note that Apure has traditionally been a pole of attraction for agricultural and livestock production.
According to the arguments that have been carried out we can conclude that the Apure state has an agricultural economic development, especially in cattle and swine with production of meat, milk and cheese. Which it is evidence that the distribution of these foods and supplies of basic basket are of great benefit and accessibility for the general population.