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Enviado por   •  12 de Abril de 2018  •  1.820 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  591 Visitas

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| maps

- Installing | packageinstallergoogle

- Installing | photos

- Installing | search

- Installing | speech

- Installing | taggoogle

- Installing | youtube


¹ Previously installed with Open GApps

# End Open GApps Install Log

# Begin GApps Size Calculations



| Current Free Space | 1505244 | 1505244

Remove | Existing GApps | + 0 | 1505244

Remove | Obsolete Files | + 24 | 1505268

Remove | calculatorstock | + 376 | 1505644

Remove | calendarstock | + 2404 | 1508048

Remove | clockstock | + 3436 | 1511484

Remove | exchangestock | + 1380 | 1512864

Remove | packageinstallerstock | + 1904 | 1514768

Remove | tagstock | + 276 | 1515044

Install | Core² | - 86198 | 1428846

Install | calculatorgoogle³ | - 968 | 1427878

Install | calendargoogle³ | - 20208 | 1407670

Install | clockgoogle³ | - 6944 | 1400726

Install | exchangegoogle³ | - 1784 | 1398942

Install | facedetect³ | - 540 | 1398402

Install | faceunlock³ | - 14004 | 1384398

Install | gmail³ | - 14040 | 1370358

Install | googlenow³ | - 14924 | 1355434

Install | googletts³ | - 24800 | 1330634

Install | hangouts³ | - 29588 | 1301046

Install | maps³ | - 33428 | 1267618

Install | packageinstallergoogle³ | - 2056 | 1265562

Install | photos³ | - 31968 | 1233594

Install | search³ | - 39320 | 1194274

Install | speech³ | - 44612 | 1149662

Install | taggoogle³ | - 316 | 1149346

Install | youtube³ | - 19444 | 1129902

| Buffer Space² | - 9216 | 1120686


Post Install Free Space | 1120686


² Required (ALWAYS Installed)

³ Optional (may be removed)

# End GApps Size Calculations

# Begin User’s gapps-config

# End User’s gapps-config


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