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Comparación edipo rey y antigona.

Enviado por   •  15 de Abril de 2018  •  644 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  662 Visitas

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He was an animated man

According to some of his old workers, he wouldn’t create the characters, he would be them

He would act like every character that came up to his mind and give an idea about their behaviors to his workers

Walt would become another man, actually a character. He would act and feel like one of his creations. This is how he came up with a lot of his great creations, and it says a lot about him, because he was not afraid of showing other sides of him.

Walt liked to become the character, change his own voice, and walk differently.

5) If you could meet this person today, what two important questions would you like to ask him/her?


How did it feel to create such wonderful and child meaningful characters?

How would s/he answer?

I am very proud of what I have done. And its not like it was all work, but it was also fun because I got to be them for a change. And to know that they had such a big impact on the people of our future is great.


Since adults don’t think the same as a child how did you manage to make the movies for them too.

Adults are something that I really have to think a lot of. You see when I child goes to watch a movie, the parent has to go with them, so we have to make more entertaining things for them. Most of the time we add a darker humor that children won´t get. So it’s fun for the child and the adult.


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