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¿se debe permitir el aborto?

Enviado por   •  21 de Junio de 2018  •  1.249 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  381 Visitas

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Should we allow abortion? This question is a problem "global" and a reality of society, especially in teenagers, they think that abortion is the solution of their irresponsibility. This practice should not be legalized in any way, but we are not responsible for giving or taking the life of a human being, he is "God."

The abortion is the procedure which seeks to "finish" consciously with pregnancy. Therefore abortion is a crime that must be punished, otherwise society will become more and more without values.

In many countries, abortion is legal, as long as the life of the mother is in danger, the fetus is malformed or is the result of a rape. In other countries it is illegal and goes against God, leading to many more women go to illegal and unsafe practices, risking their lives.

In fact, many teenagers lack of information and sex education and lack of confidence in their parents, come on abortion a quick solution, because teenagers are so irresponsible that do not take into account the consequences of their actions and when the consequences reach an unwanted pregnancy think this is the best solution to avoid damaging your life "according to them." The best solution I have teenagers is prevention, we must teach that sexuality is not a game and should be taken with responsibility.

Anyway, you should not allow abortion for any reason, for there are many parents of children with physical or mental disabilities and are very happy with them, because they give their lives much love and joy. The same when a pregnant woman and her life is at risk, this is no longer a "problem" because there are many modern treatments that provide the means to save the life of mother and child and not think about the abortion. On the other hand, when a violation chance of becoming pregnant is very low occurs, and if you become pregnant, abortion is not the solution, because the culprit is the rapist and not the baby, so the life of the fetus should be respected, whether the reasons are for the reason that the mother is pregnant.

It should be clear that a baby is not a "thing" is a human being who has rights as anyone else, and if a mother does not feel at ease with her pregnancy, during the first months, that does not mean she can change your mind when you see your child and love.

In countries where abortion is legal for the reasons already mentioned in this paper, is committing a crime anyway, it is violating the right to life, and people are committing a sin before God, they should feel embarrassed to these countries are already doing a wrong to society.

In conclusion, we must not allow abortions to be made anywhere in the world, for any reason, because it is violating one of the rights of individuals, the right to life, a new human being, and this should be punished both by law and by God. Otherwise society will become increasingly inhumane day, values ​​and morals are lost and coexistence is impossible because they do not respect each other.



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