San Javier
Enviado por Sandra75 • 29 de Abril de 2018 • 1.097 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 364 Visitas
San Javier doesn’t have any museum, touristic center neither a historical
San Javier just have a few festivities, such as, the December 3rd in which they
celebrate the Day of San Francisco de Asis; also, in May 2nd and 3rd, they celebrate the day of La Cruz de Mayo to commemorate the first half of Spring, paying tributes to the Nature itself.
Nowadays, the town is being ruled by Luz Ofelia Flores Martinez, being this
the 13th of many presidents.
San Javier most known religion is Christianity.
In the municipality, in addition to the hills, we can mostly find forests like
the tropical dry forest, where we can find plants such as Tepeguajes, chokecherry, chalate, amapa, pochote, white bat, yellow bat, palo pinto and chilocote. Also, the center of the town we can find a small portion of forests Sabines, a small area north of mesquite vegetation type, being ironwood, paloverde and guayacán is located.
East and bordering the municipalities of La Colorada and Villa Pesqueira, an
area offorest vegetation deciduous type with a variety of tepeguaje, pochote, cazahuates, cuímaro, Copalquín, oak, oak-plank oak and grape is located.
In this town, we can find animals like toads, green frogs, bull frogs, frogs,
river turtles, rock iguanas, rattlesnakes, lizards, chameleons, deaf vipers, coral snakes, skirts, scorpions, whitetail deer, opossums, coati, Juancito, lions, tiger, squirrel, jaguar, wild boar, raccoon, pronghorn, skunks, cocky, tortolita short tail, churea, purple dove buzzard aura, red-tailed hawk, hawk coffee, owl, quail paints, mockingbird, macaw, magpie , wall jumps, calandria sparrow and red cardinal.
-Anónimo. (s. f.). San Felipe de Jesús. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2016, de:
-Anónimo. (s. f.). San Felipe de Jesús. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2016, de:
- Anónimo. (s. f.). Prontuario de Información Geográfica Municipal de Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2016, de:
- Anónimo. (s. f.). San Ignacio Rio Muerto. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2016, de:
-Anónimo. (s. f.). San Javier (Sonora). Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2016, de:
Anónimo. San Javier. Recuperado el 19 de septiembre de 2016, de:
-Anónimo. (2016). San Luis Rio Colorado. 30 de Agosto de 2016, de Wikipedia Sitio web:
-Ayuntamiento de San Luis Rio Colorado. (2016). Nuestro Municipio. 15 de Enero, 2016, de Ayuntamiento de San Luis Río Colorado. Sitio web: