How to be more productive.
Enviado por Christopher • 23 de Febrero de 2018 • 567 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 513 Visitas
amazing tool for you to know how much time realize to waste. For the next days:
- Take notepad and write every single activity and time expending
Too much people like students, spend too much time of his life rounding around
or doing another things for much time (for ex: 1hour of facebook diary w/60-70 times
per day). 30% of time is majority spended with facebook.
REMEMBER: You can manage your time better
Don’t wait the inspiration, create it:
¨Let me wait for a bit longer, let me wait for the perfect moment that the energy come¨
excuses of procastination.
Create a moment for the inspiration, try to trigger the moment (force it)
For example: when you write a blogpost, but you doesn’t feel the inspiration. Write
5 minutes in the computer mecanicly and that creates a ¨click¨
Breakthrough Factor:
Think about all the sucess, and breakthrough around your life. You will get a very small
number of situations that you create the sucess in your life.
Think about opotunities, chances of your life. DON’T BE PERFECIONISSTIC, BE REALISTIC
And don’t think only the moment, think in LONGER OPORTUNITIES
For example: if you have to do a report and work the same day. what do you do?
think about the potential of unfinish the report or don’t go to work
the report could make a sucess to your life? probably no
To know what task is more important to priotorize we only need to consider the
breakthrough factor, it’s very important. cause you can conecct directy the
Think about the different tasks and different oportunities. ASK YOURSELF, about the
differently oportunities in your life. GO FOR IT!
Stop learning, start doing:
if you take an imperfect action, that’s what cause in life. try to be perfect?
you can take an action and get the result anyways it’s the failure
Implement in your life, you can be more productive