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How to become a great boss.

Enviado por   •  18 de Junio de 2018  •  3.638 Palabras (15 Páginas)  •  575 Visitas

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The great boss knows that good and able people closest to the problem or issue usually have a good sense of the solution. People delegate up for several reasons; they don’t want to make mistake, they equivocate, they wait for perfect information. The boss insist n making all decisions.

The great boss understand he or she cannot move the department, group, team, or company ahead if he/she makes all decisions. Understands he can’t get ahead if his direct reports don’t think and decide for themselves. The great boss makes people make decisions.

Chapter 21. Don’t hire a dog and bark yourself.

Check in on the employee from time to time. Check up on how the project is going, but don’t check over the work unless asked, or until an agreed-upon checkpoint is reached. Delegation is about trusting the expert’s expertise.

Chapter 22. _ You get what you inspect, not what you expect.

Setting expectations for something to get done is nor the end of the boss’s delegation; it is the beginning. Regardless of the employee’s initial enthusiasm, regardless of the employee’s good initial intentions, expectations are often not met. The great boss gets what he or she inspects, not what he/she expects.

You inspection cannot be intrusive, interruptive, or impatient. Your inspection isn’t an interrogation. Inspection isn’t necessarily simple, you can’t just a memo or an e-mail and expect something to happen.

Chapter 23. Pay attention.

Listen to the person talking. Don’t let your mind wander. Don’t read anything, unless it’s relevant to the meeting. Don’t sign letter. Don’t review you “to do” list. Don’t check the time. Don’t do your nails.

Employees know when you aren’t paying attention. And they may thing you are ill-mannered or arrogant. Don’t just pay attention; prove your paid attention. Summaries’ the employee’s points. Agree to do something and then do it. Say “thank you”.

Chapter 24. Always listen to everybody.

Listen to what everyone says, everyone has experience, has new ideas.

Chapter 25. Make a promise, keep a promise.

The great boss make sure everyone keeps every promise, sets the example. This is a big responsibility, a big task, because being in business is a huge jumble of implicit promises. Companies make institutional promises every day, and the people who work in those companies make human promises every day.

Chapter 26. _ Never let me make a mistake.

Your employees must know that they can freely tell you what you have to hear, not what’s you want to hear. A great rule from the great boss is “never let me make a mistake” this rule is for employees, partners, suppliers, and advisors. The employees cannot allow the boss to meet a customer or make a sales call without preplanning. The boss cannot go into a meeting unprepared, plan strategy without all input, or make a decision without hearing all the known facts.

Chapter 27. _ Seven common words.

One goal of the great boss is to teach people to think for themselves, to stand by themselves. The great boss is not afraid to not know everything, or to not know something. The great boss is never a “know-it-all”. The great boss understands that good people on the job know the job. Challenging good and able people to perform is sometime as simple as asking a simple questions.

Chapter 28. “Let them eat cake”.

The great boss knows that a surprise bad of bagels thrills the folks in the mailroom, or in the office. Great boss encourages food-based mini celebrations. Plus, when there is a little party, the great boss makes sure that any leftovers go home with the employees.

Chapter 29. Don’t shoot from the lip.

The marksman knows an errant shot can cause unintended damage. Smart shooters don’t shoot from the hip. Smart bosses don’t shoot from the lip.

Employees depend on their boss for money, direction, information, validation, attitude, protection, and promotion. Consequently, employees carefully listen the boss. The higher the boss in the management structure, the more potent his or her words. When the boss says something, it influences what employees think about themselves, one another, the company, and the customers

Chapter 30. _ Contract to confront.

Confronting isn’t confrontation. Confronting avoids confrontation. Confronting must be made appropriate in the organization, make confronting easy. Make contracts to confront.

Confronting is inevitable, it’s best to confront early, than to confront too late to save the person. The great boss makes a contract to confront whenever he/she beings a new boss/subordinate relationship. Making a contract to confront gives the boss permission to deal with problems at their outset. Confronting is now expected. This agreement between the boss and subordinate defuses anxiety.

Chapter 31. Let lightning strike.

These are surprise bonuses given to one employee, some employees, or all employees. The boss doesn’t publicize the bonuses, but word gets around. The employees learn that lightning might strike if they do something good. Surprise bonuses are most-appreciated and long-remembered.

Chapter 32. Never be little, never belittle.

Never belittle, humiliate, or threaten an employee, publicity or privately. Never embarrass employee or use sarcasm in a hurtful way. Never be disrespectful.

Bullies, tyrants, autocrats, renters, and ravers are weak. Their authority is a function of job position, not personal character. These people last longer in weak companies tan good ones. Opportunities are not taken. Good information is not shared. You can learn from a bad boss as well as good boss, this is a case in point.

Chapter 33. _ Listen to phonies, fools, and frauds.

The great boss listens democratically. Don’t discount advice or input from a phony, fool, or fraud. Don’t dismiss the words of a loudmouth, a faker, or a jerk. Don’t discount advice given in a rude or insulting way. Listen objectively, with self-discipline, with ugly-filters, if is necessary.



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