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Las botas de santa

Enviado por   •  27 de Abril de 2018  •  918 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  288 Visitas

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It was 1995 when Jasmine, Violet and I (John) played very happy, we were kids, we always played under a tree planted in the center of our house, it was a very pretty tree, saying that an oak is was, we do not but we knew it was filled with joy because he was always full of birds and gave us plenty of shade; trip to played piñata hanging a cardboard box and hitting him with a broomstick.[pic 7]

We were very poor and we did not have our parents to feed us or to buy us toys, every day went out to work with people who want to wash their clothes and they cut the grass on the streets or the house cleaned them.

We played so much ignorance, because we did not know the street, and already very night, our parents came and we ran to meet them and welcome them with a hug and a kiss. Dad suddenly pulled the sack he carried on his back every day, some people toys we gave him to take them to also we played with them and that was every day. A Christmas day, very clear and very cold, his sack and pulled out a small very beautiful boots, Put them-I said I did not want to wear them, since I wanted to go to School and show off there. Put them said to me I'll bring other school, but must be so beautiful how are you, 'I said.

Now when I put me, I fell into a deep sleep and never wake up which would then dreamed flying around the world and the infinite sky. Jasmine and Violet dreamed that I flew with me and we touched the stars, Look Jasmine this is for you, and this one for you Violet, Sister-Look how many stars grab with my hands!. I know, those put in a sack and take over the world so that all children have a stop play, but first, we will ask permission to Santa Claus, and also he take you to not play with all the kids in town and the world.

We play with the stars all night until dawn, Oh, but Santa Claus was that organized all the games ...

Wake up! My-dad-son cry let the chicken dinner which mom prepared for tonight is good night. While we dined, we talked what he had dreamed to wear boots. My dad talked me he had given a very bearded and gray Oldie.[pic 8]

The Time passed and the children grew more nor old man never knew who he was. Now I think maybe it was St. Claus had given me his boots.

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