Practica 3 quimica basica esime.
Enviado por Jillian • 18 de Abril de 2018 • 5.523 Palabras (23 Páginas) • 572 Visitas
You then need to load up your .sav with the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor, made by Grovyle91. The setup was included in the download for the patch. If somehow you have this document but NOT the enclosed setup, you can download it here. Once installed, you will also need the .pgf file for the Liberty Ticket event. This also came with the download, but if you are missing it then you can get it from here.
The rest is simple; load up your .sav with the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor (you don’t even need to take it off the storage device if you’re using a flashcard!) Once the new bit opens, click on Import PGF (change the Current Gift if you happen to already have wonder cards on there) and choose the Liberty Ticket pgf. Once loaded, simply hit the Save button at the top. This will save the Wonder Card to your save file.
Flashcards already have their .sav ready to play, but for the others; DeSmuME users should use the Import Backup Memory under the file tab to bring in the newly edited .sav. Be sure to reset the ROM afterwards for the best results. No$gba users can simply slot their .sav in the BATTERY folder and it should convert back to the no$ format automatically when the ROM is booted.
With the wonder card loaded, simply go into any Pokémon Center and talk to the blue guy on the right. You will get the Liberty Ticket and all required flags will be activated, allowing you to sail on the ship at the far left port of the city to the island. It’s all normal from there. Note that the trainer levels are sufficent for you to catch Victini the moment you first reach Castelia City.
Don’t let the length of the words fool you; it’s simple! =================================================== =============== Route 4
Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Darumaka (10%), Scraggy (10%), Cacnea (10%), Trapinch (10%), Vullaby (10%), Hippopotas (5%), Elgyem (5%) Surf, Normal: Frillish (60%), Clamperl (30%), Relicanth (10%) Surf, Special: Jellicent (60%), Relicanth (30%), Huntail (5%), Gorebyss (5%) Fish, Normal: Krabby (60%), Corphish (30%), Clamperl (10%) Fish, Special: Clamperl (60%), Frillish (30%), Relicanth (10%) =================================================== =============== Desert Resort
Entrance Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Darumaka (10%), Scraggy (10%), Cacnea (10%), Dwebble (10%), Baltoy (10%), Trapinch (10%)
Sand: Trapinch (20%), Darumaka (20%), Cacnea (10%), Hippopotas (10%), Gligar (10%), Dwebble (10%), Maractus (5%), Sigilyph (5%), Skarmory (5%), Mandibuzz (5% )
Darmanitan, Level 35 Desert Resort * This is still the only way to get a Zen Mode Darmanitan! =================================================== =============== Relic Castle
1F Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Rhyhorn (10%), Numel (10%), Golett (10%), Bronzor (10%), Onix (10%), Trapinch (10%)
B1F Sand: Yamask (20%), Gastly (20%), Shuppet (10%), Duskull (10%), Bronzor (10%), Elgyem (10%), Litwick (10%), Beldum (4%), Larvitar (4%), Larvesta (2%)
B2F, B3F, B4F, B5F Sand: Krokorok (20%), Cofagrigus (20%), Vibrava (10%), Hippowdon (10%), Sandslash (10%), Claydol (10%), Sigilyph (5%), Crustle (5%), Darmanitan (5%), Camerupt (5%)
B6F, Maze Sand: Krokorok (20%), Cofagrigus (20%), Vibrava (10%), Hippowdon (10%), Sandslash (10%), Claydol (10%), Sigilyph (5%), Crustle (5%), Darmanitan (5%), Camerupt (5%)
Pot Rooms Sand: Unown (100%)
Regirock, Level 50 Relic Castle, B5F Sand, 1% * The Relic Castle is a place with many ancient secrets sleeping beneath its depths. The arrival of Team Plasma has made two particular members of a trio wake up... but you’ll be lucky to bump into them.
Registeel, Level 50 Relic Castle, B5F Sand, 1% * The ancient, sandy area is also enjoyed by the tough Registeel, but despite its size, it’s still rare to make contact with it. Why? Who knows; blame it on their legendary powers.
Regigigas. Level 70 Relic Castle, Volcarona Room Floor, 1% * It’s of little surprise that the king would appear in the same area as the majority of his subjects. The deepest, most valuable room in the castle houses this beast.
Volcarona, Level 75 Relic Castle, Volcarona Room =================================================== =============== Route 5
Grass, Normal: Solosis (20%), Gothita (20%), Koffing (10%), Trubbish (10%), Gulpin (10%), Grimer (10%), Ditto (5%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Pachirisu (5%) Grass, Doubles: Nidorina (20%), Nidorino (20%), Rufflet (10%), Lickitung (10%), Smeargle (10%), Minccino (10%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%), Bagon (5%), Munchlax (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Emolga (20%), Cinccino (10%), Nidoqueen (10%), Nidoking (10%), Braviary (10%) =================================================== =============== Route 16
Grass, Normal: Ekans (20%), Pineco (20%), Skorupi (10%), Electrike (10%), Combee (10%), Paras (10%), Buneary (5%), Pawniard (5%), Drifloon (5%), Spoink (5%) Grass, Doubles: Zangoose (20%), Seviper (20%), Stunky (10%), Glameow (10%), Slugma (10%), Vespiquen (10%), Parasect (10%), Girafarig (5%), Castform (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Bisharp (10%), Lopunny (10%) =================================================== =============== Lostlorn Forest
Grass, Normal: Karrablast (20%), Shelmet (20%), Yanma (10%), Pichu (10%), Psyduck (10%), Surskit (10%), Farfetch'd (5%), Chatot (5%), Misdreavus (5%), Murkrow (5%) Grass, Doubles: Escavalier (20%), Accelgor (20%), Wormadam (10%), Mothim (10% ), Masquerain (10%), Golduck (10%), Farfetch'd (5%), Chatot (5%), Swadloon (5%), Whirlipede (5%) Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Pikachu (10%), Kecleon (10%), Whimsicott (10%), Lilligant