Enviado por Sandra75 • 16 de Diciembre de 2018 • 1.604 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 432 Visitas
lived in the sewer tunnel[pic 8]
Where is your passport? the rat asked. Let's see,
show me your passport
But the little soldier did not answer a word, but
he squeezed his rifle harder than ever. The ship hurried
forward, pursued by the rat. Ah! I had to see
how he clenched his teeth and how he screamed at the stakes and straws that passed, Stop! You have not paid the ticket! Does not have the passport.
[pic 9]
The current became stronger and stronger and the soldier of Lead could already perceive the light of day there, in the place where the tunnel was over. But at the same time he heard a thunderous sound, capable of discouraging the bravest of men.
Imagine you!
Just where the sewer, the water rushed into an immense canal. That it was as dangerous for the tin soldier as for us
to risk in a boat by a gigantic cataract.
By then he was so close that he could not stop, and the
boat rushed to the canal. The poor lead soldier is
he kept as straight as he could; nobody would ever say about him she had even blinked. The boat took two or three turns and filled with water to the edges; was about to capsize.
The little soldier had the water around his neck; the boat sank more and more; the paper, so sodden, began to fall apart. He water was closing on the head of the soldier of lead ... And he thought of the pretty dancer, whom he would not see any more, and a ancient song echoed in his ears:
Forward, brave warrior!
Go ahead, death awaits you!
At that moment the paper had just been torn to pieces and the little soldier sank, just so that instantly a big fish will
swallowed Oh, and how dark it was in there! It was even worsethat tunnel, and terribly uncomfortable by the narrow. But lead soldier remained steadfast, always with his rifle at
shoulder, although it was stretched out how long it was.
[pic 10]
Suddenly the fish stirred, making them strange. contortions and some terrible turns. Finally he stops moving. In seconds, a ray-like light pierced it; the daylight returned to shine and someone shouted
"A little lead soldier!"
The fish had been caught, put on the market and sold, and
Now she was in the kitchen, where the maid had open with a knife. He took the little soldier with two fingers.
Waist and took him to the room, where everyone wanted to see that extraordinary man who was traveling in
a fish. But the soldier did not give importance to everything.
[pic 11]
They put it on the table and there ... well, how many things
wonderful things can happen in this life! The Tin Soldier
he found himself in the same room where he had been before. There
they were all: the same children, the same toys on the
table and the same beautiful castle with the cute and small
dancer, who remained on only one leg and maintained
the other extended, very high, in the air, because she had been so
firm like him. This shook the soldier so much that he
point to cry tears of lead, but did not because not
it would have been good for a soldier to cry. He looked at her and she
she looked back at him; but none said a word.
Suddenly, one of the boys grabbed the soldier
and throws it to the fireplace. He had no reason to do so; it was, of course, the spring doll that moved him [pic 12]
[pic 13]
The little soldier found himself in the middle of intense shinning. He felt terrible heat, although he did not know if it was because of the fire or the love. He had lost all his bright colors, without anyone could say whether, as a result of the trip or its sufferings. He looked at the dancer, she looked at him, and the little soldier felt which melted, but continued unabated with his rifle on his shoulder.
A door was opened and the airwave seized the
dancer, who flew like a sylph to the fireplace and went to
to fall next to the soldier of lead, where it burned in a sudden flare and disappeared. Shortly after, the little soldier finished melt. When the next morning the maid removed the he found it in the form of a small heart of lead;
but the dancer had nothing left but her sequin, and this
it was now as black as coal.
[pic 14][pic 15]