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Requerimientos para realizar envios (importacion/exportacion) Irlanda a Canada.

Enviado por   •  30 de Diciembre de 2017  •  1.846 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  506 Visitas

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6) Invoice Requirements:

Non-document shipments to Canada must include 1 original and 2 copies of a commercial invoice. Include the following information on the invoice: Shipper's telephone number, Importer's or consignee's telephone number, Complete description of each commodity including value, Country of origin where the goods were manufactured and Any commodity-specific information

7) Items Classified as Documents: The items which are shipped into Canada in a envelope commercial invoices are not required. The goods can move on the strength of a label. If any other type of packaging, carton, etc. is used, a commercial invoice is required. Documents in a Air Letter envelope, or similar envelope, must pass a "flex" test to ensure that there are no dutiable items such as a CD/DVD inside.

Canada considers the following items as document shipments: Airline Tickets (Validated airline tickets); Annual Reports (Annual reports without advertising); Bids (Complete bids); Cash Letters (Complete cash letters); Checks (Complete company-to-company and payroll/personal checks only); Computer Print-Outs; Credit Cards (Personalized credit cards), Drawings (Graphs that are interoffice documents); Intercompany Mail; Manuals (Technical); Manuscripts (Complete manuscripts); Newsletters (Company); Newspapers; Passports (Complete passports); Periodicals; Price Lists; Price lists not for resale (Write "price lists for non-resale purposes" on the invoice); Proposals; Seismic Data; Specifications Sheets, Traveler's Checks (Used and complete unused traveler's checks); Visa Applications (Complete visa applications)

8) Prohibited or Restricted Commodities: it is prohibited to ship the following commodities to Canada:

A) Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol is regulated by each individual province. If are commercial Shipments, the Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act specifies that alcoholic beverages may only be imported by a Board, Commission, Officer, or Governmental Agency legally authorized to sell intoxicating liquor. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) confirms the maximum of 45 litres daily to any one Ontario consignee.

B) Antiques and Artwork: Antiques and Artwork can only be shipped with an International Special Commodities (ISC) contract from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Artwork includes the following: Original engravings, prints, lithographs, original sculptures, statuary.

C) Baby Walkers: Health Canada has banned the importation of baby walkers. The ban does not include strollers or carriages.

D) Electronic Cigarette: This invent has been recent into the market, reason for what no market authorizations issued to date, so no commercial or non-commercial importation to Canada is permitted

E) Jewelry: Shipments of jewelry can be shipped as long as the value does not exceed US$500.00 or the local currency equivalent per package. If the the retail price is lower than US$150.00 per item and which do not contain precious metal(s) and/or stone(s) are considered costume jewelry and can be shipped only up to this value from the origin country.

F) Personal Effects: Personal Effects cannot be shipped between these countries.

G) Plants and seeds: Plants and seeds can be sent Standard or Air Service. A Phytosanitary Certificate may be needed. The shipper must contact his state Department of Agriculture to see if one is required.

H) Wood and Products made of Wood: Those commodities which presenting a risk to plant health have mandatory pre-entry treatment requirements or a transportation restriction depending on the severity of the risk. Commercial products of wood have usually undergone appropriate processing and do not represent a concern.

I) Any item originating from Iraq

J) Paintball Markers and Air Soft Guns: This kind of commodities are prohobited for importation to Canada, to exception if the shipper has been approved through the International Special Commodity (ISC) program as a Special Exception. ISC require to the shipper commercial dealer of these devices and that their devices: Are not considered a firearm under Canadian law and Are not considered a replica firearm under Canadian law

All paintball marker and other air soft gun shipments, including those shipped by approved ISC shippers, are subject to inspection by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and may delayed or refused entry into Canada at the CBSA's or UPS's discretion.

9) Other Shipment. High Value Shipments (HVS):

A) HVS Commodities: Agricultural Products, Medical Devices, Alcohol and products, Medication, Animal Products, Metallic Trading Checks, Bed Sheets, Narcotics, Bulk Chloroflurocarbons, Pillowcases, Clothing, Plant species & products, Contraceptives, Posters depicting violence, Cosmetics, Radiation emitting devices, Counterfeit coin, Reprints of copyright works, Drugs, Smoke Screen Apparatus, Endangered species and products,Tires. Fabric Handbags, Tobacco and products, Fabrics, Used mattresses and materials. Food Products, Vitamins, Goods produced by prison labor, White phosphorus matches, Halons, Work Gloves, Hate Literature, Yarns, Hazardous Products (IDG and ORM)

B) Repaired Goods: Non-warranty repairs are dutiable and GST is charged. These charges are applied to the value of the repair only. Invoice must include original value of goods as well as the repair amount. Brokerage fees will also be applied.

C) Solid Wood Packing Material: Nowadays, new requirements have been implemented for both small package and WWEF shipments and are based on the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15, which is entitled "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade". The items included in this category are: cases, boxes, crates, drums or similar packing, pallets, box pallets and other load boards, pallet collars and skids. It's excluded such processed woods as oriented strand board, particle board, plywood or veneer, created using glue, heat and pressure or a combinations thereof, and, raw wood which is 6mm or less thick.

D) Warranty Shipments: Goods repaired under warranty benefit form duty-free importation, without consider their country of origin or tariff entitlement, and are GST exempt. Brokerage fees will be applied. The shipper must state "warranty"


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