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El cisne negro TOC ( Trastorno obsesivo compulsivo )

Enviado por   •  13 de Julio de 2018  •  1.274 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  458 Visitas

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Auditory hallucinations


OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

Family nucleus

She lives only with her mother who is alone, because they are both the father figure is distorted reality, both present codependency to be the only support of one of the other, at the time that Nina begins to experience other types of behaviors that are The habitual ones, the homeostasis of the family begins to break of such form that this interferes with the race in display of Nina.


The black swan a film that deals with a psychotic outbreak with a schizoid-paranoic disorder which causes that throughout the film we see a woman that an age of young adult experiences this psychopathological picture, one of the main casusas is the obsession with play A dance in the swan lake where perfection is at the head of everything that revolves around her, with an overprotective mother who manifests obsessive behavior and truncated dreams, which causes her daughter to embark on the dream she Did not obtain through an unwanted pregnancy, in this family bond, we find that the life of each one must be marked by excellence.

Nina when trying to make the interpretation of the black swan, realizes that it has a rival that is very strong Lily, since to not be chosen as the main role is the substitute of Nina, the difference between them two is that Nina obsesses pro To please her mother and not herself, nor give herself time to enjoy the dance, instead, Lily, despite being new in the city, is extroverted, has confidence in herself, and enjoys what she does.

At the end of the plot we see a Nina who enters into a schizoid-paranoid crisis, where she for wanting to be the best dancer, loses reality and lives a "dream" that is to interpret the black and white swan with such excellence that achieves Be perfect.


Paranoid Personality Disorder

Paranoid personality disorder is defined as a generalized and unjustified tendency to interpret people's actions as deliberately malicious, although they do not present with psychotic symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations.

The characteristics of this disorder are as follows:

• They suspect, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, damaging or deceiving.

• They are worried about unwarranted doubts about the loyalty and trust of friends or associates.

• They are reluctant to trust others because of an unjustified fear that information will be misused against them.

• Believing to see demeaning demeaning or threatening meanings in benign comments or events.

• They persistently resent resentment; That is, they do not forgive insults or slights.

• They perceive attacks on their character or reputation that are not apparent to others and quickly react with anger or against attack.

• Recurring and unjustified suspicions about the fidelity of their spouses or sexual partners.

• These people often blame others for problems in their relationships and are often not aware of how they themselves contribute to creating them.

They tend to react with great intensity to small events, since they are interpreted as serious threats. For example, after a harmless comment or a joke they think they see a serious insult or a contempt for them and react with anger and attack. They are often unable to see the humorous aspects of situations. In a way it is as if they are constantly in a situation of serious risk where there is no place for jokes.

People with paranoid personality disorder are unable to relax in the presence of others, because they consider that if they lower their guard the others will take the opportunity to harm or otherwise harm them. They are usually hypersensitive people who feel hurt easily.


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