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The importance of color in the life of Man.

Enviado por   •  28 de Marzo de 2018  •  824 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  599 Visitas

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or calm feeling, to mean temperature, size, depth or weight, like music, can be used deliberately to arouse a feeling. The color is the magic that transforms, alters and embellishes everything or, when misused, can disrupt, dislodge and even void the beautiful quality of the richest materials.

The color, like any other technique, also has its own, and is subject to certain laws that knowing them will be possible to master the art of harmony, knowing the useful means used to avoid monotony in a color combination, stimulate faculty taste and affirm selective sensitivity.

The intellectual level, like community, location and climate also influence the choice of the scheme and purpose or purpose of each piece. But among all these factors color, perhaps the most important psychological, why we are happy, anxious, or depressed reassures a given set or color combination?

The colors of the interior should be specifically psychological, reposados ​​or stimulants because the color influences the spirit and the body, character and mood and even acts of our life; changing a color scheme simultaneously affects our temperament and our behavior accordingly.

Because colors affect us psychically is important to mention that one of the important factors in the application of color psychology is the personality, because each color reflects behavioral characteristics, character, personality and temperament.


Each individual as the word implies is unique and different from others, can have characteristics in common, more can never be identical to each other, what makes the difference are the individual characteristics of each person, which are formed by different factors such as sex, age, culture, etc., giving rise to the formation of a character, influencing this temperament, which are innate reactions that each person presents to the different situations. The factors above conclude in personality, being this unrepeatable and unique to each individual.

The colors are a part of our daily lives from birth until we die, finding in buildings and decorations of these, in nature, in the things we use in people, fashion and even colloquialisms. Such is the importance in our lives who have devoted years of study to the consistent and justified explanation of the effect they have on people, taking advantage sometimes these qualities of color, for cases such as advertising, design and art .


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