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Adopting the probable cause as a search method in public k-12 schools will result in prejudice and unjust criminalization against minorities.

Enviado por   •  30 de Abril de 2018  •  768 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  476 Visitas

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Torin Monahan

Torin Monahan is a Professor of Communication at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research focuses on institutional transformations with new technologies, with a particular emphasis on surveillance and security programs. He has published over forty articles or book chapters and five books, including Surveillance in the Time of Insecurity, which won the Surveillance Studies Book Prize of the Surveillance Studies Network in 2011. Areas of expertise include ethnography, science and technology studies, surveillance studies, critical criminology, urban studies, and contemporary social and cultural theory. Monahan is a director of the international Surveillance Studies Network and an associate editor of the leading academic journal on surveillance,

Rodolfo D. Torres

Professor of Planning, Policy and Design and Political Science


- Ph.D. Administration, Social Policy, and Planning, Claremont Graduate School

- Visiting Graduate Student, Department of Economics, (Political Economy and Urban Economics) University of California, Riverside

- M.P.P. Public Policy Studies Claremont Graduate School

- B.A. Comparative Culture (Political Economy and Social Theory)—cum laude University of California, Irvine

Russell Skiba

Russell J. Skiba, Ph.D. is Professor in Counseling and Educational Psychology at Indiana University. He has worked with schools across the country, directed numerous federal and state research grants, and published extensively in the areas of school violence, school discipline and classroom management, and equity in education. He was a member and the lead author of the American Psychological Association's Task Force on Zero Tolerance. His work has been cited in numerous national media sources, including USA Today, Time Magazine,the Wall Street Journal, and Nightline, and he has testified before the United States Civil Rights Commission and both Houses of Congress on issues of school discipline and school violence. He was awarded the Push for Excellence Award by the Rainbow Coalition/Operation PUSH for his work on African American disproportionality in school suspension.


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