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Enviado por   •  22 de Diciembre de 2017  •  1.471 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  617 Visitas

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However, on the other hand we might see an economic crisis as an opportunity to reduce pollution, because a crisis would lower production levels from factories, limiting consumption of material products and fuel, "all present consumption affects choice available to future generations"[5] which could reduce significantly the use of vehicles, since these are one of the largest generators of air pollution, smog-producing, thus opting for other means of transport such as the bicycle which has been taking an important role in the mobility systems, as is the case of Rio de Janeiro, Mexico, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá, among others, which are pioneers in strengthening policies on the use of bicycles "there are 2,513 km of bikeways in the region. Bogota and Rio de Janeiro are those who have the most quantity of segregated kilometers for cycling infrastructure"[6]. The crisis could also be used to implement new and better environmental and transportation policies, providing incentives to both, companies and individuals, to make better use of energy; creating investment policies in new technologies that generate renewable energy, focusing on better use of natural resources. In this way, the economy and the environment have to be dependent on each other because the economic development needs, largely, of the resources that nature provides.

In short, it is clear that air pollution is given basically for any alteration in the natural composition, and are given by natural events and activities developed by humanity, it is why we can’t afford to ignore the environmental risk factors, that impact fundamentally in the health of people and of any population whether rural or urban, depending on the vulnerability they have. It is clear that the environmental problem is something that impacts us all directly, and that is not an issue that can be left aside, but instead is already a priority. The air we breathe every day we are not able to see, because of its composition, but we can feel it in our bodies, which is why although it is not something visible or material, must be aware that it is always present and that if we do not seek further to have a healthy environment, the consequences for our health, would be fatal. Still, it is important to take into account the implementation of permanent controls and preventive measures of economic, social and political types, to maintain quality of the air we breathe, greatly reducing the vulnerability of people to have diseases due to environmental pollution. The creation and investment in new technologies aimed to improving industrial processes, just as the use of renewable resources, and the implementation and development of systems of alternative transportation, such as the use of the bicycle which in my point of view is an excellent alternative since it is a means of transport that keeps the air clean and is healthy for people. Moreover, we must be prepared to counter the effects that a possible economic crisis could generate, this is an issue of great importance which can become a problem if we do not act on time, as this may increase or otherwise significantly reduce environmental hazards, "The impact of the crisis on environmental risks and health depend largely on the responses of society"[7]

Specifically, the proper use of natural resources, environmental awareness, investment in technology, and changes in our habits of daily life, will give us the opportunity to have a healthy environment for ourselves and for future generations, which must continue ensuring the preservation of health and life of the people and the environment around them according to the good practicing of the different policies and preventive measures.



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