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A Good Man Is Hard To Find: Foreshadowing and Symbolism

Enviado por   •  26 de Enero de 2018  •  1.284 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  697 Visitas

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Fourth, now the family departs from Red Sammy’s place and hits the road again, but this time not for long. “There was a secret panel in this house,” says the grandmother then Bailey is convinced by the family to go to this secret panel for a brief minute the return onto the road. But sadly as the family never returns to the pavement and instead get into an accident going down the hilly and sharp curved dirt road. Now the conclusion unfolds all the hints that O’Connor had been giving the readers is unraveling rapidly. After the family get into the accident, a beat-up automobile pulls and someone who can be described as the Misfit appears with his buddies. How unusual is it to get into an accident and see a huge black car coming your way? As the family deal with the accident, the Misfit approaches and the grandmother screams in paragraph 76 as she scrambles to her feet that “You’re the Misfit , I recognize at once!”After talking about this murderer so many times, the grandmother remembers his face clearly. Perhaps this is the reason why O’Connor wanted the grandmother to continuously talk of the Misfit, so that she know there is to know about him to the point of recognition if she was to see him.

Thus, now the family faces tragedy as the Misfit slowly kills the one by one. The Six graves at the plantation that were mentioned earlier as one of foreshadows that O’Connor placed is now occurring. In my prediction of what will occur after the Misfit leaves, the bodies of the family will remain there and once they are finally discovered, they will be buried at the graveyard on the plantation field. The conclusion of this short story can not necessarily be denied with good words. The drama to its ending, the Misfit reviving old memories, the way the family died is very strange for that time period, but it something that could occur in our century. Nothing is impossible in the world we now leave in, worse things occur to a plethora of people just like it did the grandmother and her family.


O'Connor, Flannery. A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Stories. London: Women's, 2001. Print.

"A Good Man Is Hard to Find." Shmoop. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. .


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