The schedule is subject to change due to various circumstances..
Enviado por Sara • 27 de Enero de 2018 • 1.996 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 632 Visitas
Format of the Assignments: to be submitted in the Word document format, Arial font, 10 size, black color, NOT spaced, full name of the student, name of the class and assignment number on top of the document on the right side upper corner. The papers should be stapled! If the paper is not stapled it will not be checked. If the format is not correct, a discount to the grade of 50% will be applied.
Midterm and Final: They will be maintained without access to the reference materials, handouts, etc. Students are highly recommended to take notes in the class. Questions on exams will include concepts, terms and definitions presented and discussed in the class.
The material presented in the class, hand-out slides, homework assignments, textbook and discussions will allow and help students to prepare for the exams during semester time. Of course, students should plan ahead dedicated time when they can prepare for Mid and Final exams.
Undergraduate Grading Guidelines
The assignment of a letter grade for a course is an indication of the student’s overall success in achieving the learning outcomes for the course. The course letter grade may be viewed as a summary statement of the student’s achievement in individual assessments (assignments & activities). These assessments are intended to identify for students their strengths as well as those areas in need of improvement. Student work is assessed according to the guidelines below.
Course-level Grading guidelines
90 – 100% of the total possible points earned during the course
80 – 89% of the total possible points earned during the course
70 – 79 % of the total possible points earned during the course
Participation Points
A portion of the final grade for this course consists of participation points. These points are awarded to students at the end of every class session. Participation points granted will not exceed 5% of students’ final grade and will be granted as bonus above required course grading material.
Note that participation points are not automatically awarded to students simply on the basis of their presence in class. When students attend a class session, they start with zero participation points. It is the student’s responsibility to earn participation points during the session by actively participating in class activities, discussions, and presentations. Evidence of active participation by a student is defined broadly as:
- Verbal participation in team and class discussions appropriate to the setting
- Offering relevant comments, questions and solutions that are aligned with the topic at hand
Students’ active participation will be assessed according to the following criteria
Focus on a specific topic and context, give examples, avoid vague generalities or undefined terms, and help others to understand without any confusion
Give correct information that others can verify; students should acknowledge the limits of their knowledge of the topic
Specific details support all comments
Comments connect to the issues currently under discussion and help others to understand those connections
Address the problem in all its complexity; consider the context of the problem, its root causes, and the other issues it brings up
Address the problem from many points of view; consider how others might understand the problem
Consider how statements and assumptions work together and communicate them so that others can follow their reasoning
Focus on the most important elements of a topic or elements that others have overlooked; avoid repeating common knowledge
Students should consider how their statements and actions affect others and judge their own contributions in terms of how they benefit the learning community
Note: The Instructor may choose to define and apply alternative participation criteria at his or her discretion.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is submitting one’s own work and properly acknowledging the contributions of others. Any violation of this principle constitutes academic dishonesty and is liable to result in a failing grade and disciplinary action.
Forms of academic dishonesty include:
Plagiarism — submitting all or part of another’s work as one’s own in an academic exercise such as an examination, a computer program, or written assignment.
Cheating — using or attempting to use unauthorized materials on an examination or assignment, such as using unauthorized texts or notes or improperly obtaining (or attempting to obtain) copies of an examination or answers to an examination.
Facilitating Academic Dishonesty — helping another commit an act of dishonesty, such as substituting for an examination or completing an assignment for someone else.
Fabrication — altering or transmitting, without authorization, academic information or records
Сlass rules
Try not to be late for class. If you are late, come in and