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The following is an observation realized at Cabrillo Children Center in the area designed for preschools children. This observation is focused in children’s connection with nature, thirst for adventure and fascination with power.

Enviado por   •  31 de Mayo de 2018  •  949 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  625 Visitas

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Dezy demonstrated many skills in several areas of development.

SED 4: Relationships and Social Interactions with Peers. Child becomes increasingly competent and cooperative in interactions with peers and develops friendships with several peers. She is a very social kid, always trying to make new connections, interacting and playing with other children. (Building: Later level)

Language and literacy development:

LLD 3: Communication and Use of Language (Expressive): Child’s communication develops from nonverbal communication to using language with increasingly complex words and sentences.

She demonstrated that she is able to communicate her ideas, concerns, and knowledge with others using complex sentences, for example when she told the boy that he left the faucet open, then she said that he was wasting water and she also said that her mom told her that is really important to take care of the water. (Building: middle level)

LLD 4: Reciprocal Communication and Conversation Child engages in back-and-forth communication that develops into increasingly extended conversations.

Dezy demonstrated that is able to engage in back-and-forth communication, for example when she was talking with her friend about spiders, she was asking and responding questions using complex sentences like: “What if there is a spider inside this box?” “Do you have spiders at your house?” I have spiders at my house, but they just live there…(Building: Later level)

COG 11: Knowledge of the Natural World Child develops the capacity to understand objects (living and nonliving things) and events in the natural world, including how they change and their characteristics Dezy knows that we share our world with other species like animals. For example she is aware that there are spiders and she thinks that they are friendly. (Earlier Level)

PD-HLTH 6: Personal Care Routines: Hygiene Child increasingly responds to and initiates personal care routines that support hygiene. Dezy knows very well that after eating she has to wash her hands, she knows the process from the beginning to the end. (Integrated level)

HSS 3: Ecology. Child develops an awareness of and concern for the natural world and human influences on it. Dezy was worried about the water running when the child let the faucet open, she told him that her mom tell her to take care of the water. So, I think she is aware that water is really important for humans, animals and plants. (Exploring: Middle Level)


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