Human Health en ingles
Enviado por Antonio • 17 de Diciembre de 2017 • 1.244 Palabras (5 Páginas) • 492 Visitas
On a more personal point of view and based on the information obtained that allowed a conclusion to be formulated, Drug policies do not certainly get the expected results , as a result of people’s constant drugs use an illegal lucrative industry has been created under these policies’ operation. If the government in Mexico was able to keep the use of drugs under control and at the same time decriminalized them, it would be ideal, because in past years, drug illegal trade has resulted in several abuses to human rights and dangerous mafias that threaten innocent lives. By legalizing drugs in Mexico, cartels would be dissolved, and violence rates and corruption in the government would decrease; but as a developing country, we can assume that the management of drug use if they were decriminalized would not be effective, and it would turn out as more violence and deaths. The United States on the other side may create policies that allow moderate use of decriminalized drugs, as a viable solution that might actually work. If drugs were to be decriminalized, their use would depend on the person and the principles he or she has, the decision is individual, and laws will not stop the masses from doing what they want to, as long as drugs are illegal and available, there will always be a clandestine market which causes suffering on people who did not choose to get involved in the drug industry.
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“Illegal Drugs in America: A Modern History” (1995), The Drug Enforcement Administration Museum [online]. Available from: [Accessed 14 May 2013]
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“The Great Experiment”, The Economist [online]. Available from: [Accessed 16 May 2013]
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