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"Impact of migratory movements in Mexico and the World".

Enviado por   •  27 de Mayo de 2018  •  2.575 Palabras (11 Páginas)  •  764 Visitas

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Mexico is also a country of immigration for Central Americans, with the presence of these in different parts of the territory. But one of the most important migratory phenomena in this country is the fact that people, in various ways, but especially by land, use it as a place of passage for the purpose of reaching the border with the United States and entering That country. These cases can be described as a temporary migration. It is in 1990 that a significant increase in expulsions / deportations begins, surpassing the figure of one hundred thousand per year. Four countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua (in that order) are the main sources of origin. Mexico, like other countries, under a protectionist model of its internal sovereignty, has strengthened and hardened its measures of detection, detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants.


In this new period, three questions arise regarding the mobility of the Central American population in the future.

• The economic order indicates that a situation of permanent mobility of citizens is still in force, as there are no development satisfactors that benefit the population, the majority of whom remain below the minimum income threshold.

• The processes of pacification and democratization in the region, without denying the advances that have been made, are still incipient and incomplete and have not allowed wider processes of openness and participation in relation to the exercise of all rights.

• Integration of economic strategies, development plans and the definition of common policies on the subject of immigration is still not complete.


Article 1 of the Federal Constitution broadly recognizes (without exception) the right of every person to enjoy the rights recognized by the Mexican State in the same and in the international instruments subscribed by him. This broad recognition implies that not only the nationals will enjoy them, but every person, of course, foreigners. In view of this, the migrant population, regardless of their legal status in the country, are recognized all the rights that the rest of the people and therefore, must be respected. Unrestricted respect for the human rights of the migrant population is one of the principles on which the Migration Law published on 25 May 2011 is based.

• Right to Nationality. All persons born in Mexico, regardless of the nationality of their parents, have the right to be recognized as Mexican and enjoy all the rights as such, including the regularization of their parents' immigration status.

• Right to free transit. All persons, regardless of their ethnic or national origin, have the right to move freely through Mexican territory and immigration verification can only be carried out exclusively by personnel of the National Institute of Migration.

• Right not to be discriminated against. The legal status of the migrant, his or her nationality, membership of an ethnic group, economic status, among many other conditions, is not a cause to be discriminated against and denied their rights. The Mexican Constitution has incorporated the non-discrimination clause into the constitutional text (article one) in accordance with various international standards that are part of the International Human Rights Law, so that no migrant should suffer discrimination because of this circumstance. Prohibition of discrimination against migrants Is equally recognized as one of the principles underpinning the Migration Law.

• Right to shelter. Any foreigner whose life is at risk in his / her country of origin may apply for refuge for humanitarian reasons, as long as he complies with the requirements established by law in the matter.

• Respect for the right to cultural diversity and interculturality. Migrants who enter the country, regardless of the situation in which they do it, have the right to freely express their culture and traditions, as long as they do not violate human rights or commit crimes with such conduct. In addition, they have the right to foster interculturality, that is, to interact with people with cultures different from their own, in order to achieve communication channels that foster respectful and harmonious interaction between groups.

Article 97 of the Migration Law is a measure contrary to respect for the right of transit, because the legalization of administrative checkpoints is an excess in the establishment of migratory controls in Mexico contrary to Article 11 of the Constitution and the obligations of the State to international level.

Article 11 of our Constitution recognizes since 1917 the right of everyone to move and reside freely in Mexican territory by noting that:

Every person has the right to enter the Republic, leave it, travel through its territory and change of residence, without need of security letter, passport, safe-conduct or other similar requirements.

The model of current generation, transportation and consumption, totally dependent on fossil fuels, is unsustainable as a consequence of the climate change it entails. According to the most recent studies, the consequences in our State will be the increase in the number of "heat waves", with increasingly extreme temperatures, and the progressive increase of desertification.

At present, the increase in energy demand and consumption and the difficulties that exist to satisfy this demand with the available energy sources, are making a scenario of global energy crisis.

In addition, the lack of fossil fuel resources in our country leads to a high energy dependence on other countries and a great vulnerability of our energy system.

The resulting environmental damages or costs endanger the future productivity of cities and the health and quality of life of their citizens. Cities have become the major environmental red areas that urgently require special attention in regional and project environmental assessments and in metropolitan regional planning and environmental management.


• Urban waste pollution: Industrial waste is a particular concern in cities that lack capacity for proper management, since it is difficult to control discharges and ensure that hazardous waste does not end up in the sewers. The sophisticated controls needed to treat and dispose of hazardous wastes are not established and in use in most developing countries.


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