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Enviado por   •  2 de Mayo de 2018  •  722 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  429 Visitas

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I didnt go to work yesterday did you? Were you ill?

Jane doesnt like me does jane? Why not?

You look tired dont you? I feel fine.

Kate phoned me last nigth didn kate? What did sh say?

I´ve bougth a new car have you? What make is it?

Tim doesnt eat meat doesn´t he? Does he eat fish?

I´ve lost my key haven´t you? When did you last have it?

Sue can´t drive can sue? She sould learn.

I was born in italy wasn you? I didn´t know that

I didn´t sleep well last nigth did you? Was the bed unconfortable?

There´s a film on tv tonigth isnt there? Are you going to watch it?

I´m not happy am you? Why not?

I saw paula last week didn´t she? How is she?

Maria Works in a Factory doesnt maria? What kind of Factory?

I won´t be here next week will you? Where will you be?

The clock isn´t working is the clock? It was working yesterday

it´s a beautiful day isn´t it? Yes,it´s perfect

these flowers are nice arent these flower? Yes what are they?

Jane was at the party wasen´t jane? yes,but i didn´t speak to her

You´ve been to parís javen´t you? yes,many times

You speak German hsve you? yes,but not very well

You haven´t got a car have you? No,i can´t drive

You aren´t tired are you? No i feel fine

Lisa is very nice person isn´t you? Yes verybody likes her

You can play the piano cant you? Yes,but i´m not very good

You don´t know Mike´s sister do you? No,i´ve never met her

Sarah went to university didn´t Sarah? Yes she studied psychology


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