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Choconta pesticides problems.

Enviado por   •  24 de Febrero de 2018  •  1.425 Palabras (6 Páginas)  •  434 Visitas

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- Also we change many things in the methodology, we those resources we planned many things to can know then principal elements that affect and kill the population, the animals and the food of the crops, and also if the water had been contaminated by the different pesticides:

- First we are going to use the website to know good the elements and the different types of pesticides that the people used to kill the insects, warms and beetles that lived on the crops.

- Especially the crops that we are going to study and work on it is inside the farm of CRUZ. The food that made the crops is especially some potatoes, fruits, lettuce, onion and carrot. And the principal organisms that also lived and eat those food are the warms, beetles, rates, mosquitoes etc.

- To detect if the water is contaminate, is that we are going to put two different buckets with water, of many places in the farm and in choconta.

- Weekend by weekend we are going to put them on the sunlight to see if they have something inside the cup (if there are contaminate). We are going to observed that with the Lupe, and also with the others elements (PHmeter, Oximetry and Colorimeter) to prove good if the water are affected by the pesticides. ( we would know that, because we are going to search the components of the pesticides (materials) if they are some substance in the water, that would be affected by that substances.

- We are going to make a video, explain why is too bad to use the pesticide, asking many people that live in those places. We are going to search why that substances affect many animals and the crops.

- Many of the elements that are inside to create a pesticide are insecticides, DDT and hedicides) that work and are used in many crop fields to have a “clean” food.

- In the video we are going to explain all the three different types of pesticides and why they are affecting them too much, the health and the habitat, food of too many animals.

- Our idea is to make an impact in many people, to stop those using pesticides, to make a different impact. Explaining to the people the principals problems that they have. Their elements of that substances that are affecting also themselves.

- The video that we are going to make, it’s going to answer the question that we make in the principal of the terms project planning.

Hypothesis about the 2 problem question:

- The pesticide have different types of materials, we thing the type that the people are using is the insecticide, and that substance is made, by many contamination materials, with a better bad quimics that affect too much the people.

- Because for them, the pesticides help them to clean the crops of many insects that are living into the crops. We supposed the only way to kill the insects its making substance like the pesticides to destroyed


First of all we are trying to replace resources that contaminate the environment for methods or different ways to solve the problem of the plagues without using pesticides, our solutions would be replaced pesticides for organisms or predators that exterminate the plagues that are causing such troubles, other benefit is the resources that we are using, none of them affects the ecosystems that we are treating, we try to do all this campaign or process the more ecologic possible in order to give a better message and to give example of what we’re doing in order to make an ecological movement, mostly our ecological benefits is that all our process in this campaign is ecological ad has an ecological purpose.


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