Gastronomy, food and the culinary art.
Enviado por Rimma • 4 de Julio de 2018 • 821 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 571 Visitas
Beyond the four meals mentioned, which are those recommended by nutritionists, there are other intakes, such as the appetizer, which is consumed before lunch or dinner and snack, which are light meals without a fixed schedule.
The main meals at lunch and dinner are usually composed of a cold or hot starter or starter, such as a ham or soup, a main or second course which is usually hot and contains more content than the starter and a dessert Sweet dish
It is important to emphasize that when talking about food from a culinary point of view it is necessary that we realize the use of a series of terms that we use daily in our vocabulary and revolve around it. Thus, for example, there is the so-called fast food which is, as its name indicates, is made immediately and consumed equally fast
Culinary art
In another hand it’s Culinary art in wich I’m in accord that it is a creative way of preparing food and depends heavily on culture, in terms of knowledge about food, how to prepare it, as well as established social rituals around food. In addition to this it can see that culinary art is defined as the right way to cook and that this is an expression of artistic ideas through food or medias related with nutricion. For example the culinary art in the hotel and restaurant is a shocking tool for customers as diners when they receiving a service.
In the realization of this essay, we sought to clarify and offer in a specific way the conceptualizations of those three concepts, which have to see with important areas of the culture of any nation or region. In conclusion it is hoped that this information will help many people expand their branch of knowledge related to these concepts. Within this research were discussed relevant information about the gastronomy within which it was revealed that it has to see in a specific way with the set of knowledge and related activities the recipes of food, its ingredients, and culinary techniques of preparation of food. In the same order was treated the concept about food in which it was announced that this has to do with the meals and their schedules. In conclusion treated the culinary art which is defined as the right way to cook and that this is an expression of artistic ideas through food or medias related with nutricion.
Definicion de comida. Definicion ABC. consultado el 09 de marzo del 2017
Definición de Gastronomía. Definicion ABC. consultado el 09 de marzo del 2017
EcuRed. Arte culinario. consultado el 09 de marzo del 2017