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Guion teatral los ladrones.

Enviado por   •  5 de Enero de 2018  •  1.785 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  640 Visitas

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La Cajera: Este lo único que atrapa es comida

El Policía: Y en bebida también.

La Clienta: ¡Esto es el colmo de la desfachatez! ¡Me voy de aquí! (Se retira totalmente molesta)

El Policía: Bueno, yo sí me voy a comer. Ya vengo (Se va todo despreocupado)

La Cajera: Y aprovechando que no hay clientela, voy al baño a maquillarme. (Se va caminando como si fuera una modelo de pasarela)

Ladron: 'This is an assault !!! Hands up!!! (The client and Cajera look puzzled. He puts the tip of the gun to his head and remains something thoughtful) No, wait.

ladrona: (Whispers in the ear and quietly) the weapon is upside down

thief: Oh, you're right! Hands up!!! (The two react and just beginning to panic)

Thief: I want to give me all the money they have! For today!

The Cashier: Okay. Do I get your account number, please?

thief: Yes, list is the ... (The Gandaya hits the head of his partner)

ladrona: Do not be silly! (Look at the charge) Put it all in these bags and fast!

The charge: Yes, soon! (Goes to put the money in the bags given).

The Clienta: But where the police are when you need !?

(In that, the officer leaves the bathroom, loose and totally indifferent to the situation)

The Police: Oh, how rich! (Turn around and go to the cashier and the client lying on the ground face down) What are you doing there? What, floor or what's hot? (She points her finger at the attackers) What? (Turns and sees the tip of the guns in his face) (She scared and starts crying) 'Mooooommy !!!! Oh my God! (Instantly kneels and puts his hands together) Please do not kill me I have a wife with two children and maybe others out there! ... I know but please do not kill me please!

The Client: hey! ?! But what kind of cop you are, that it does not fulfill its duty apprehending those ruffians !?

The Police: (She takes the gun to Pillo and shows it to the client) And what has not seen the size of weapon they have !? (He returns the assailant)

The Client: (You take the head) And for this I pay my taxes?

ladrona: Get down you too! Fast!!!

The Police: I'm coming! I'm going! (He throws the floor, next to the Clienta and she tells him)

The Client: (sarcastically says) "Now that you are at my side, I feel calmer!"

The Police: Oh yeah? And what do you think? What I am superman, bullets collide and bounce off me?

The Client: Ya better ... shut up!

(Cajera arrives with bags of money)

The Cajera: (Gives all awestruck) Here it is.

thief: I hope that is all.

The Cashier: If you want, you can tell.

Thief: Let's see ... (He opens the bag and taking money, start counting) 100, 200, 300 ... (the thief takes the hand of his companion and looks with angry eyes) But companion! We must be sure we do not miss anything ...

ladrona: Save ... that ... now ... okay?

Thief: Okay, but then do not come to claim that you have stolen, ah.

ladrona: If you do not stop now, you'll be with them in the ground.

thief: No complain after you, no more ...

thieving: 'Now !!! (Look at the customer and the cashier) good Well, these gentlemen are removed. Thank you very much for your help.

Thief: Yes, and any assault or kidnapping, is here our card (the delivery while stare in amazement)

ladrona: This ... (He extends his hand to the card) you lend me a moment?

Thief: Yes, I just sent to do, do you like? (Begin reading it and as it does, the expression on his face begins to change)

The Police: Unheard !, Now even the attackers make their "cherry"! What such a race!

The Client: You shut up, that police are completely useless!

The Police: Hey do not allow you to insult me! To the police, he is respected!

The Customer: What "the police is respected"! If you for all that it serves, is to eat and go to the bathroom! (The assailants were arguing quietly on the card)

thief: But you spent the money on this !? What are you had in your head !?

Ladron: I I took care to make the cards.

Thief: Look and forget about it and let us go (See people) Well it was a pleasure to deal with you, we go (The two are removed aimed their weapons while others stay in the scared ground, until they left.

A few seconds later, the thief cometh quickly and leaves them the card)

thief: (Speaking softly) Here below this number, call (Instant to leave the Card, Goes All stare at him very surprised and puzzled THEN rise ..).

The Police: (All corny, takes the floor) were lucky This Time (The client looks indignantly).

The Client: Look, you better shut up before I amargue (Goes Where Cajera and finds her putting on makeup) And you, you're doing?

The Cajera Alas for with ALL THIS, I fell all the makeup!

The Police: Well what is for me, This fight has made me hungry. I will be right back, I'm going to eat!

The Customer: Hey! ?! And You Going To Where BELIEVE!?

The Police: What?


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