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la respuesta. Represente

gráficamente la distribución de la prevalencia de OBESIDAD en las diferentes edades.

Descriptive Statistics for Each Value of Crosstab Variable

Obs Total Mean Variance Std Dev

0 2101 43070,0000 20,4998 21,6996 4,6583

1 95 2203,0000 23,1895 57,9637 7,6134

Minimum 25% Median 75% Maximum Mode

0 17,0000 18,0000 19,0000 21,0000 63,0000 18,0000

1 18,0000 18,0000 21,0000 24,0000 56,0000 18,0000

ANOVA, a Parametric Test for Inequality of Population Means

(For normally distributed data only)

Variation SS df MS F statistic

Between 657,5500 1 657,5500 28,2777

Within 51017,8394 2194 23,2533

Total 51675,3893 2195

T Statistic = 5,3177

P-value = 0,0000

Bartlett’s Test for Inequality of Population Variances

Bartlett’s chi square= 59,1549 df=1 P value=0,0000

A small p-value (e.g., less than 0.05 suggests that the variances are not homogeneous

and that the ANOVA may not be appropriate.

Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon Two-Sample Test (Kruskal-Wallis test for two groups)

Kruskal-Wallis H (equivalent to Chi square) = 21,7051

Degrees of freedom = 1

P value = 0,0000

Gráfico por número de individuos.

Gráfico por % de individuos.

4º.‐ Represente gráficamente la relación entre edad e IMC. Exprese la recta que explique el

IMC en función de la Edad. Explique el grado de relación y razone la respuesta.

Variable Coefficient Std Error F-test P-Value

EDAD 0,123 0,015 68,4049 0,000000

CONSTANT 20,652 0,315 4304,6231 0,000000

Correlation Coefficient: r^2= 0,03

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-statistic

Regression 1 780,806 780,806 68,405

Residuals 2194 25043,358 11,414

Total 2195 25824,163

5º.‐ ¿Existe asociación entre la OBESIDAD, el SEXO y la EDAD?. Razone la respuesta.

Obesidad – Sexo.

Convergence: Converged

Iterations: 5

Final -2*Log-Likelihood: 775,0792

Cases included: 2196

Obesidad – Edad

Convergence: Converged

Iterations: 6

Final -2*Log-Likelihood: 763,7836

Cases included: 2196

Term Odds

Ratio 95% C.I. Coefficient S. E. ZStatistic




(Mujer/Hombre) 0,5583 0,3692 0,8442 -0,5829 0,2110 -2,7629 0,0057

CONSTANT * * * -2,7423 0,1555 -17,6313 0,0000

Test Statistic D.F. P-Value

Score 7,8244 1 0,0052

Likelihood Ratio 7,4485 1 0,0063

Term Odds

Ratio 95% C.I. Coefficient S. E. ZStatistic



EDAD 1,0685 1,0407 1,0972 0,0663 0,0135 4,9139 0,0000

CONSTANT * * * -4,5266 0,3246 -13,9467 0,0000

Test Statistic D.F. P-Value

Score 27,9433 1 0,0000

Todo el modelo. Obesidad – Edad – Sexo  

Convergence: Converged

Iterations: 6

Final -2*Log-Likelihood: 757,2441

Cases included: 2196

Likelihood Ratio 18,7441 1 0,0000

Term Odds

Ratio 95% C.I. Coefficient S. E. ZStatistic




(Mujer/Hombre) 0,5769 0,3803 0,8753 -0,5500 0,2126 -2,5865 0,0097

EDAD 1,0670 1,0390 1,0957 0,0648 0,0136 4,7785 0,0000

CONSTANT * * * -4,1609 0,3495 -11,9062 0,0000

Test Statistic D.F. P-Value

Score 34,5998 2 0,0000

Likelihood Ratio 25,2836


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