Enviado por tolero • 30 de Enero de 2018 • 668 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 305 Visitas
la respuesta. Represente
gráficamente la distribución de la prevalencia de OBESIDAD en las diferentes edades.
Descriptive Statistics for Each Value of Crosstab Variable
Obs Total Mean Variance Std Dev
0 2101 43070,0000 20,4998 21,6996 4,6583
1 95 2203,0000 23,1895 57,9637 7,6134
Minimum 25% Median 75% Maximum Mode
0 17,0000 18,0000 19,0000 21,0000 63,0000 18,0000
1 18,0000 18,0000 21,0000 24,0000 56,0000 18,0000
ANOVA, a Parametric Test for Inequality of Population Means
(For normally distributed data only)
Variation SS df MS F statistic
Between 657,5500 1 657,5500 28,2777
Within 51017,8394 2194 23,2533
Total 51675,3893 2195
T Statistic = 5,3177
P-value = 0,0000
Bartlett’s Test for Inequality of Population Variances
Bartlett’s chi square= 59,1549 df=1 P value=0,0000
A small p-value (e.g., less than 0.05 suggests that the variances are not homogeneous
and that the ANOVA may not be appropriate.
Mann-Whitney/Wilcoxon Two-Sample Test (Kruskal-Wallis test for two groups)
Kruskal-Wallis H (equivalent to Chi square) = 21,7051
Degrees of freedom = 1
P value = 0,0000
Gráfico por número de individuos.
Gráfico por % de individuos.
4º.‐ Represente gráficamente la relación entre edad e IMC. Exprese la recta que explique el
IMC en función de la Edad. Explique el grado de relación y razone la respuesta.
Variable Coefficient Std Error F-test P-Value
EDAD 0,123 0,015 68,4049 0,000000
CONSTANT 20,652 0,315 4304,6231 0,000000
Correlation Coefficient: r^2= 0,03
Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-statistic
Regression 1 780,806 780,806 68,405
Residuals 2194 25043,358 11,414
Total 2195 25824,163
5º.‐ ¿Existe asociación entre la OBESIDAD, el SEXO y la EDAD?. Razone la respuesta.
Obesidad – Sexo.
Convergence: Converged
Iterations: 5
Final -2*Log-Likelihood: 775,0792
Cases included: 2196
Obesidad – Edad
Convergence: Converged
Iterations: 6
Final -2*Log-Likelihood: 763,7836
Cases included: 2196
Term Odds
Ratio 95% C.I. Coefficient S. E. ZStatistic
(Mujer/Hombre) 0,5583 0,3692 0,8442 -0,5829 0,2110 -2,7629 0,0057
CONSTANT * * * -2,7423 0,1555 -17,6313 0,0000
Test Statistic D.F. P-Value
Score 7,8244 1 0,0052
Likelihood Ratio 7,4485 1 0,0063
Term Odds
Ratio 95% C.I. Coefficient S. E. ZStatistic
EDAD 1,0685 1,0407 1,0972 0,0663 0,0135 4,9139 0,0000
CONSTANT * * * -4,5266 0,3246 -13,9467 0,0000
Test Statistic D.F. P-Value
Score 27,9433 1 0,0000
Todo el modelo. Obesidad – Edad – Sexo
Convergence: Converged
Iterations: 6
Final -2*Log-Likelihood: 757,2441
Cases included: 2196
Likelihood Ratio 18,7441 1 0,0000
Term Odds
Ratio 95% C.I. Coefficient S. E. ZStatistic
(Mujer/Hombre) 0,5769 0,3803 0,8753 -0,5500 0,2126 -2,5865 0,0097
EDAD 1,0670 1,0390 1,0957 0,0648 0,0136 4,7785 0,0000
CONSTANT * * * -4,1609 0,3495 -11,9062 0,0000
Test Statistic D.F. P-Value
Score 34,5998 2 0,0000
Likelihood Ratio 25,2836