English teaching LP
Enviado por Claud14R • 26 de Agosto de 2018 • Práctica o problema • 2.894 Palabras (12 Páginas) • 354 Visitas
CENTRO DE IDIOMAS CFPI / DATE: April 21th, 2015 / TIME: 3:00hrs
LESSON PLAN # 21 / GROUP (255) / LEVEL 2 (A1) / # OF STUDENTS: 24
GRAMMAR TOPIC OR TITLE OF LESSON (UNIT#15 Experiences): Present perfect + ever
LEXICAL ITEM(S): travel vocabulary
OBJECTIVE: By the end of this session, SS will use the present perfect structure has/have been in an affirmative or negative form as well as questions to describe their experiences in the context of traveling.
0. HOMEWORK REVIEW (total time: 10 min. / 5:00 to 5:10) MATERIALS: (WB p.59)[pic 2]
(5:00 – 5:10) SS will be greeted: “how are you today?” and one S will write the date on the board. SS will review the HW assigned last class: WB p.59 Ex.3, 4.
- Ex. 3 – One S will read a sentence for the others to check the answers, the same S will mention the name of another S who will continue with the following letter (exercise).
- Ex. 4 – SS will be asked: Do you have a birthday in this month? SS will be asked to raise their hand if they do. The S with the closest birthday will read his/her answers for Ex.4
SS may not bring HW to class – T will encourage them kindly to bring HW to the class.
SS may mispronounce a word – T will correct mispronunciation and if needed SS will provided with the phonetic alphabet symbols to express the kind of sound they should produce – T may write it on the board if needed.
- SS may not have a birthday on that month – T will select the one that has birthday in the closest month to the current one. If more than one S has a birthday on that month or in the following closest one, the one with the closest date to the class will be selected.
1. WARM UP (total time: 10 min. / 5:10 to 5:20) MATERIALS: (magazines) [pic 3]
Classroom arrangement: Chairs organized to be able to look at the board and T.
(5:10 - 5:20 pm) T will elicit from SS:
- (1) I have something in my hand, what do you think I have? SS should provide some ideas, possible answers: candies, book, speakers, cellphone, etc. SS should say the word magazine.
- (2) SS will be showed the magazines, and will be asked what are the magazines about SS may provide examples such as: it is about trips, interesting destinations, etc.
- (3) SS will be asked what information can you find in these magazines? // possible answers: information about traveling, hotels, interesting places to visit, tips to travel, where to eat, where to have a beer, where to go to a party, etc.
SS may miss pronounce the word magazine – T will provide an explanation by using the phonetic alphabet
- SS may not guess that the hidden object is a magazine. – T will provide some hints or even write some examples of magazine’s names on the board if necessary. Example names: Elle, People, Rolling Stone, Vogue, National Geographic, Quo, etc.
- If SS don’t provide the input in an incorrect way – SS may be corrected: It is about trips NOT about trips.
- SS may need help from the T to provide more vocabulary or to provide an answer – T may mimic or draw on the board some hints to help them.
2. PRESENTATION (total time: 10 min. 5:20 – 5:30) MATERIALS: (recording, Teacher’s CDs, cover 1 and 2)[pic 4]
(5:20 – 5:30 pm) SS will be mentioned that there is another magazine named International Travel Magazine and for their birthday they want to celebrate. SS will be showed the cover1 and cover2 of the International Travel Magazine. SS will be explained that they are looking at the cover of the magazine and that the cover is the front part of the magazine.
T will ask SS:
- (1) How do you celebrate when it is your birthday? SS will provide some possible answers like: I eat with my family, I go out with my friends, I go to a bar, I go to the beach, etc. – SS will be told by the T that she wants to celebrate her birthday with a trip of her lifetime SS will be explained the word lifetime that in this case is used to mention that the memories will be for all her life, in other words: A trip in which their memories will be for all their life.
- (2) How do you think they (the International Travel Magazine) are going to celebrate? SS may provide answers like: with a party, giving away a trip, with a special edition of the magazine, etc.
SS may misuse go to – T will make emphasis that the correct use is GO TO + V and may write on the board. T may write on the board some words that SS may need to know or they may ask.
- SS may not know how to explain that the magazine is going to give away a trip – T may provide lexicon and write the phrase in the board if needed or use drawings if needed.
- SS will be exposed to the word lifetime T may write the word lifetime on the board so SS can get familiar with that word since they will listen to it later. May be some other words should be written on the board as well if needed.
3. CONTROLLED PRACTICE: (total time: 105 min – 5:30 – 7:10) MATERIALS: (SB, recorder, audio cord, CD teachers, pictures, names of the places, candies with a color label, bond paper with examples of have been to)[pic 5]
(5:30 – 5:40 pm) (1) Individual work
Recording: 3.29
Class interaction: T-SS
SS will be mentioned that in the SB p.100 Ex.1 they will find a letter that appears in the International Travel Magazine. T will mention that there are some questions that they are going to answer after they read and listen to the recording. SS will be asked to read one question by doing the Pop corn activity. When SS listen to the word popcorn, they will have to stand up and sit down quickly, the last one to sit down will be the one to read. The popcorn activity will be performed 3 times since there are three questions to read: