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Enviado por   •  12 de Marzo de 2018  •  845 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  363 Visitas

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but despite that it feels a little relieved and it behaves as if nothing had happened , that night katniss dineer in the mansión of president snow and he celebrated like never before , many citizens drank something to vomit and to eat more soon it was time to leave, katniss and peeta are on their way back to the district 12, an peeta sleep with katniss in your bed, when they return a great feast is made for them. while at the mayor’s house, katniss watch in the president t.v. there is an uprising in the 8th district,katniss organizes a secret meeting with gale and in his meeting gale reveals your love for she, but she only ansew i know , he gets angry and is disappointed but before leaving katniss, she say that does an uprising in the 8th district and gale say that it’s posible that does an uprising in the district 12th also and she runs to spread the news katniss then goes to Peeta to ask if he want run away with she and he say yes, they see that gale It’s violently beaten for a unknown men katniess tries to stop man but he hits katniss she It is seriously injured but peeta saves she, as soon as people will help katniss the mother of katniss tries to take away the pain to give medicine later that night katniss choose to gale but still is torn between Peeta and Gale.

In the nex day are big changes in the district, They are built several posts of torture and a lot kinds of weapons, the last thing that katniss not recognize is the face of the agents


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