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Colegio Pbro “Juan de Dios Andrade”

Enviado por   •  15 de Mayo de 2018  •  6.871 Palabras (28 Páginas)  •  333 Visitas

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Conjunction, subordinate, substantive, maximum frequency word

-Can be translated

Verb, indicative, singular, 3rd person, present, simple, active, transitive, lexical, intermediate-low frequency word


Conjunction, subordinate, causal, high frequency word


Name, common, feminine, singular, without appreciative termination, low frequency word


Conjunction, coordinate, copulative, maximum frequency word


Verb, infinitive, simple, active, transitive and intransitive, lexicon, low frequency word

-T he

Article, determinant, masculine, singular, maximum frequency worde


Verb, indicative, singular, 1st person, present, simple, active, transitive and intransitive, lexicon, intermediate frequency word


Preposition, maximum frequency word


Adverb, quantitative, positive grade, intermediate-high frequency word


Conjunction, subordinate, concessive, intermediate-high frequency word

-there are

Verb, indicative, 3rd person-existential, present, simple, active, transitive, auxiliary, intermediate-high frequency word


Quantifier, determinant, feminine, plural, positive degree, high frequency word


Name, common, feminine, plural, without appreciative termination, intermediate-frequency word


Conjunction, subordinate, substantive, maximum frequency word

-They are

Verb, indicative, plural, 3rd person, present, simple, active, intransitive, auxiliary ser, high frequency word


Adverb, modal, positive degree, high frequency word


Adjective, positive, masculine, plural, prenominal, intermediate-frequency word


Preposition, maximum frequency word


Quantifier, determinant, masculine, singular, in positive degree, intermediate-high frequency word


Quantifier, determinant, masculine, singular, in positive degree, high frequency word

-It is

Verb, indicative, singular, 3rd person, present, simple, active, intransitive, auxiliary ser, word of high frequency


Adjective, positive, masculine, singular, postnominal, intermediate-frequency word

-To use

Verb, infinitive, simple, active, transitive, lexical, intermediate-high frequency word


Article, determinant, masculine, singular, maximum frequency word


Name, common, masculine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-frequency word


Name, common, feminine, singular, unappreciated, intermediate-frequency word


Preposition, maximum frequency word


Adjective, positive, masculine, singular, prenominal, intermediate-low frequency word

-to refer

Verb, infinitive, simple, active, transitive, lexical, clitic, intermediate-low-frequency word


Quantifier, determinant, masculine, plural, positive degree, high frequency word

-Of them

Personal, pronominal, masculine, plural, 3rd person, nominative, intermediate-high -frequency word


Article, determinant, feminine, singular, maximum frequency word


Name, common, feminine, singular, without appreciative termination, intermediate-high frequency word


Name, common, feminine, singular, unappreciated, intermediate-frequency word


Verb, indicative, singular, 3rd person, present, simple, active, transitive and intransitive, modal, intermediate-high frequency word


Adverb, in positive degree, high frequency word

-to refer

Verb, infinitive, simple, active, transitive, lexical, clitic, intermediate-low-frequency word


Name, common, feminine, singular, without appreciative termination



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