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The objectives of the quality management plan are:

• Define project quality objectives.

• Define the approach to verify that the methods, processes, formats and tools are being used correctly by the project team and are effective.

• Define the approach to verify that deliverables are meeting project standards and quality expectations.

• Define the project metrics that will be used to monitor and control project performance, processes and quality.

• Define additional groups outside the main project team that will be visiting and supporting the project to achieve quality objectives.

• Document the data privacy approach for the project.


Roles y Responsabilities

The following table describes the roles and responsibilities involved in implementing the project quality management plan:



Project Manager

• Review and approve the quality assurance plan

• Review quality and findings in project review

• Assign project team members to establish appropriate action points resulting from evaluations, project reviews, specialist support visits (when applicable); Monitor and administer these action points until closure

• Follow-up on the project review and the findings derived from the review of specialists until closure

Quality Manager

• Develop and maintain quality management plan

• Develop and maintain an agenda for quality assessment in the quality assessment plan

• Develop and maintain the quality support agenda

• Follow up on the failures of compliance identified in the quality assessment until closure

Quality assurance Team

• Prepare and participate in quality reviews, project reviews, and specialist support visits (when applicable)

• Implement action points resulting from quality reviews, project reviews, and specialist support visits

• Release findings from reviews with project leaders

• Follow-up action points from previous visits



Quality Assurance plan

This section describes the generic process of a review and the interaction that must be carried out between the roles and control points that are considered throughout the project.


Quality Assurance Overview

Quality assurance is the implementation of the planned and structured activities to help verify that the project employs all the processes necessary to create high quality deliverables that meet the requirements. This section of the quality management plan describes the tasks related to quality assurance and defines the plans for reviewing project evaluations made by the Quality Assurance Team


Quality Assessments

Quality assessments are performed to confirm that the processes and standards defined in approved plans (such as the project management plan) are followed by the project team. Quality assessments are focused on answering three questions:

• Is the methodology for implementing the Project adequately applied?

• Are project deliverables delivered in a timely manner and with the required quality at each stage?

• Are the tools available for each phase of the project appropriately used?

As quality assessments are performed, it is the responsibility of the project leaders to evaluate the results and determine what corrective actions should be taken if necessary. Corrective actions may include: (a) additional training, (b) application of processes, or (c) process improvement. It is important to measure the cost of process changes against expected benefits before applying improvements.

The purpose of this section is to define the project plans for: conducting evaluations; Identifying, monitoring and resolving failures encountered during evaluations; and communicating findings and status to project leaders.


Approach to Quality Assessment

The following table describes the types of quality assessments that will be carried out in the project:


Type of Quality Assessment



Phase Based

Quality assessments are planned at the end of project deadlines (milestones) and focus on activities leading to the deadline or milestone.


Based on Deliverables

Quality evaluations are performed at the end of deliverables or important work products. These evaluations focus on project deliverables and the activities undertaken to create them.


Follow-up Reviews of Findings

Additional reviews focused on identifying actions taken to mitigate high risks arising from the findings that emerged during project execution.


Lack of Compliance and Scaling

Las faltas de cumplimiento identificadas durante una evaluación representan riesgos para el proyecto y por lo tanto necesitan ser documentadas, priorizadas, cubiertas y rastreadas


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