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Enviado por   •  3 de Diciembre de 2018  •  6.412 Palabras (26 Páginas)  •  314 Visitas

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Ordered logistic regression Number of obs = 914

LR chi2(5) = 91.02

Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Log likelihood = -1083.2871 Pseudo R2 = 0.0403


warm | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


male | -.7589487 .1265685 -6.00 0.000 -1.007018 -.510879

white | -.3579802 .18615 -1.92 0.054 -.7228275 .0068671

age | -.0227585 .0038285 -5.94 0.000 -.0302621 -.0152548

ed | .0421346 .025821 1.63 0.103 -.0084737 .0927429

prst | .0094713 .0049673 1.91 0.057 -.0002645 .019207


/cut1 | -3.528722 .4055 -4.323487 -2.733957

/cut2 | -1.380973 .3850552 -2.135668 -.6262787

/cut3 | .6297378 .3821996 -.1193596 1.378835




. ologit warm yr89 male white age ed prst, nolog

Ordered logistic regression Number of obs = 2293

LR chi2(6) = 301.72

Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Log likelihood = -2844.9123 Pseudo R2 = 0.0504


warm | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


yr89 | .5239025 .0798988 6.56 0.000 .3673037 .6805013

male | -.7332997 .0784827 -9.34 0.000 -.8871229 -.5794766

white | -.3911595 .1183808 -3.30 0.001 -.6231815 -.1591374

age | -.0216655 .0024683 -8.78 0.000 -.0265032 -.0168278

ed | .0671728 .015975 4.20 0.000 .0358624 .0984831

prst | .0060727 .0032929 1.84 0.065 -.0003813 .0125267


/cut1 | -2.465362 .2389126 -2.933622 -1.997102

/cut2 | -.630904 .2333155 -1.088194 -.173614

/cut3 | 1.261854 .2340179 .8031873 1.720521


. estimates store ologit // guarda los estimadores ologit

. oprobit warm yr89 male white age ed prst, nolog

Ordered probit regression Number of obs = 2293

LR chi2(6) = 294.32

Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

Log likelihood = -2848.611 Pseudo R2 = 0.0491


warm | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]


yr89 | .3188147 .0468519 6.80 0.000 .2269867 .4106427

male | -.4170287 .0455459 -9.16 0.000 -.5062971 -.3277603

white | -.2265002 .0694773 -3.26 0.001 -.3626733 -.0903272

age | -.0122213 .0014427 -8.47 0.000 -.0150489 -.0093937

ed | .0387234 .0093241 4.15 0.000 .0204485 .0569982

prst | .003283 .001925 1.71 0.088 -.0004899 .0070559


/cut1 | -1.428578 .1387742 -1.700571 -1.156586

/cut2 | -.3605589 .1369219 -.6289209 -.092197

/cut3 | .7681637 .1370564 .4995381 1.036789


. estimates store oprobit // guarda los estimadores oprobit

. estimates table ologit oprobit, b(%9.3f) t label varwidth(30)


Variable | ologit oprobit


warm |

Survey year: 1=1989 0=1977 | 0.524 0.319

| 6.56 6.80

Gender: 1=male 0=female | -0.733 -0.417

| -9.34 -9.16

Race: 1=white 0=not white | -0.391 -0.227

| -3.30 -3.26

Age in years | -0.022 -0.012

| -8.78 -8.47

Years of education | 0.067 0.039

| 4.20 4.15

Occupational prestige | 0.006 0.003



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