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Enviado por   •  2 de Mayo de 2018  •  2.754 Palabras (12 Páginas)  •  318 Visitas

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Step Nº 9: Statement of the Tax of Patents.

In the Municipality of the City of Guayaquil in the corresponding form performs the tax declaration of patent registration in the register of companies of the Superintendency of Companies.

The process concludes in the register of societies with the delivery of the publication of the original of the extract, copy of the public deed registered in the mercantile registry, copy of the appointments of registered manager and Chairmen, copy of membership in the Chamber of the respective production and copy of the single registry of Taxpayer (RUC).

Step Nº 10: Return Of The Values Deposited In It Has Integration Of Capital.

Registered the incorporation of the company in the register of societies, the Secretary general of the Superintendency of companies asked to the local bank, the return of 50% of the subscribed capital to administrators for the start of operations.

4.2.4 Additional Requirements

Certificate Of Building Permits.

To certify building on Constitution, which are meeting the requirements requested by the municipalities. He is obtained by presenting the respective zonal administration as follows:

- Application in paper simple with the bells.

- Detail of the work, location and start date.

- Copy of certificate of citizenship and ballot paper updated, or a certificate of exemption from the owner.

Duration Of The Procedure:

- Two days working.

- All documents must be original or certified copy.

Municipal License

The tax of patents municipal is gravel to all person natural or legal that exert an activity commercial.


Permiso sanitario de funcionamiento.

El permiso de funcionamiento se lo obtiene luego de realizar las inspecciones necesarias en el local, este trámite se lo realiza cada año y es ejecutado por el GAD Municipal y el MSP.

Se la obtiene presentando en la Administración Zonal respectiva lo siguiente:

Requirements For Patent Municipal

Inside of the requirements to obtain the patent, are: a copy of the RUC, of identity card, certificate of fire safety and the equivalent rate for patent.

Requirements To Register Patent.

To record the patent is necessary to make a request to the financial management of the Municipal GAD and attach a copy of identification card or RUC.

Passed To The Procedure.

To perform the processing of the patent application, it is necessary that the representative approaches each year Treasury of Municipal GAD louvers make cancellation of the value of the municipal patent.

Sanitary Operating Permit.

The operating permit was obtained after the necessary inspections on the premises, this procedure is done it every year and it is executed by the Municipal GAD and the MSP. He is obtained by presenting the respective Zonal Administration as follows:

- Certificate of land granted by the Department of urban management, use.

- Categorization given by the area of control healthcare.

- Proof of payment of patent of the year.

- Health permit operation of the previous year. (original)

- Health certificate (s).

- Report of sanitary control over fulfillment of requirement for the activity.

- Copy of the certificate of citizenship and ballot paper updated, or a certificate of exemption from the owner.

- Submit original documentation and copies.

Duration In The Process:

Quinces days labor. The maximum term for the operating permit is 30 June of each year. July is obtained, with the respective fine.

Permissible Content Of The Product:


Total: 12 grams


Saturated fat: 7 g

trans fat: 3 g

Total: 10 grams


Total: 3 grams

The paddles will have the following weight: 12 gr. small, figures 20 gr. And heart 35 gr. And caritas 95 gr.

They must have a scale of information labeling as well:

GRAPHIC Information Of The Content Of The Product[pic 3]

Designs And Shapes.

Each of the chocolates will be made with molds of different designs and shapes with the aim of covering one of the expectations of the customer. It is important to clarify that they were armed with a number of designs of molds to produce product that only began to develop the basic forms of certain references to the company's homepage.

The Company's Logo.

It is a graphic element that identifies a person, company, institution, or product. Logos typically include symbols clearly associated (normally linguistic) represent whom them. The image shows a style of exclusivity with high level of creativity that attracts the eyes of the public. Be registered and "Chocomilk Cia Ltda." brand will be created to identify the product in the market and likewise will be with a slogan that is seen from the following:


[pic 4]

Source: Design of the logo

By: Authors




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